Chapter 36

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It had been a week since Andy and Robert had discovered they were expecting another baby and they didn't know how to tell Sebastian, they were afraid he wasn't taking it very well. Up until that moment it was always he and he alone at the center of all attention, but with the arrival of another child, things would have changed a bit. One afternoon after taking Sebastian to the park to play they decided to tell him. When they got home, all three of them sat on the sofa, Robert was holding Sebastian while Andy was standing next to them.

R: "Hey baby, we have to tell you something"

S: "What?"

A: "Would you like to have a brother or a sister?"

S: "Do you want to buy me a brother?"

R: "No, no, you don't buy brothers"

S: "So how does it get there?"

A: "Right Robert, how does a brother arrive? Tell him yourself" she said laughing.

R: "Emh.. it just comes, you're still too young to know certain things. Would you like to have one or not?"

S: "Yes"

R: "Good. You know one is growing in the mother's belly"

S: "Really?" then he turned to Andy. "You ate a baby and now it grows there?"

A: "No, I didn't eat any babies. But here is your little brother or sister" she said pointing to his belly.

Sebastian put his little hand on Andy's belly and then said: "Mommy are you sure there's someone in here?"

A: "Very sure. He is still too small now, but as the weeks go by he will grow and his belly will grow with him. You know, before you were born you were also in here"

Sebastian was stroking Andy's belly: "How long does it take to grow?" he was very curious.

A: "It still takes months"

Sebastian nodded and then ran away. He went to his room to get something while Andy and Robert sat on the sofa.

A: "He took it well"

R: "He looks happy"

A: "It's true, I hope he is still happy when he is born"

Sebastian came back to them and was holding a teddy bear.

S: "This is for my little brother"

A: "O little sister"

S: "But I want him to be male so we can play together"

A: "You can't choose. It could be beautiful even if it were a female"

S: "Maybe.. What should I call it?" he said pointing to Andy's belly.

A: "Until we know if it's a boy or a girl you could choose a nickname, what do you think?"

S: "Ok" he then started walking around the sofa with a thoughtful air while his parents looked at him amused. At one point he stopped and said: "I am here. I'll call it baby peanut"

R: "Why baby peanut?"

S: "Because it's small and I like peanuts"

Andy and Robert burst out laughing and agreed with their son to call it a peanut for the moment. The rest of the day all three spent playing together and after dinner before putting Sebastian to bed they told him that when they went to pick him up from kindergarten the next day they would show him the first photo of his little brother or sister. The next morning when the alarm went off, Robert got up trying not to wake Andy got up and went to wake Sebastian to get him ready and take him to kindergarten. She had decided not to wake Andy because she had been up most of the night with nausea. After leaving Sebastian in kindergarten, he stopped for something sweet for breakfast and went home. Andy was still asleep and gently began to wake her up and then went to an appointment with the doctor.

What if..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon