Chapter 8

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Back at work Andy had had a rather quiet day when in the afternoon, while everyone was in the kitchen taking a break, Chief Dixon arrived.

D: "Hello everyone. Sullivan, Herrera, come with me, we have to talk". He said very authoritatively.

Both Andy and Sullivan followed the chief into the meeting room. They entered and closed both the door and the curtains. Andy and Sullivan exchanged glances, did not understand why they had been summoned.

D: "I called you because I have news for you".

S: "If it's because of my behavior during the fire a week ago, I'm sorry, I couldn't leave any member of my team inside. Since I am the Captain, it was my job to come in and save her".

D: "Oh I didn't agree with that, but I understand. Now let's not think about that anymore. I had come for another thing. Sullivan, I told you I was going to make you Battalion Chief, from now on you are".

S: "Thanks sir. And who is the Captain of 19 now?"

D: "I also called Herrera for that very reason. From today you will be the new Captain of the 19. Congratulations Herrera".

A: "Thanks sir. I will do my best". Andy was left speechless, she was very happy, at that moment she wanted to hug Robert, but it was not the time.

S: "Congratulations Herrera".

A: "Thanks, congratulations to you too sir."

D: "Well, now that I've told you everything I'm leaving".

A-S: "Goodbye sir".

When Chief Dixon came out the door, Andy closed it and hugged Robert, she was so happy with all this. At this point their secret had to be even more secret, they could not lose all of this.

Once out of the meeting room, they returned to the kitchen, all eyes were on the two of them, they were all curious to know what Dixon wanted.

S: "We have important news to share with you". He said looking at Andy. "From today I will no longer be your Captain, I will be the Chief Battalion and ..." Andy could not finish the sentence that intervened "I will be the Captain of the 19!" as he said it he never stopped smiling. Everyone congratulated them, they were happy, Herrera deserved to be Captain of the 19.

Sullivan went to his former office, he had to take all his things and move to another place. He had decided, however, to stay at 7 pm, he would move to the meeting room, he would transform that room into his new office and new accommodation. From the windows of his new office he had a view that would please him. From there he could see Captain Herrera's office. Before leaving his former office, he wanted to leave a special gift for the new captain. He left the barracks, first went to the florist to order a special bouquet of flowers and then went to the jewelry store. Once back in the barracks he left everything on the desk and went to his new office.

Andy, after answering many of his teammates' questions about how he felt in his new role, went to his new office, he wanted to make it better for the next shift. When he entered he was amazed. He saw on the desk a bouquet of red roses and a box. He imagined who had done all this. Once inside, she closed the door, sniffed the roses and then read the note "Congratulations Captain Herrera, you deserved it. Robert", then his eyes fell on that blue velvet box that was placed next to the flowers. He opened it and found inside it a bracelet with a plate that said: "Captain Andrea Herrera", he couldn't believe his eyes, it was beautiful! He was still admiring the gift, he heard a knock on the door, he hid the box in a drawer and the ticket put it in his pocket.

At the door was the team that wanted to organize a small party to celebrate the new promotions. They entered and the first thing they noticed was the bouquet of red roses on his desk and Travis exclaimed "WOW".Jack then intervened.

J: "Andy, who sent you those flowers?" they were all very curious.

A: "I don't know, there was no ticket.."

T: "Oh come on it's not possible, someone must have sent them. Did you check well?"

A: "Of course! Now it is not important. Didn't you have to organize the party?"

M: " Yes yes sure. Now we're leaving. You don't help us?"

A: "I can't, Sullivan has to tell me a few things first so I'll be ready for my first shift".

All: "Ok, see you late".

They left the office and went back to the kitchen to prepare the party. Meanwhile Sullivan had gone to Andy.

A: "Thanks Robert for all this, but you didn't have to".

A: "It seemed nice to give you a gift, you deserve all this".

Andy closed the curtains and kissed Robert, he wanted to do it all day and couldn't. For a moment she then broke away from him, told him that the boys were planning a party, but that they had some time before reaching them, he had told them a small and innocent lie. Resumed kissing, they moved into the accommodation, undressed very quickly and joined their bodies. Before going to the party, they stayed in bed for a while, then got dressed and went up to the kitchen.

The boys had thought of everything from food to drinks, obviously non-alcoholic because they were still in service even if for a short time, they all sat around the table and celebrated. At one point the current went out, they stayed in the dark. The power came back in no time and Sullivan then received a call.

S: "The storm is approaching, those of turn B cannot get there, the weather conditions are dangerous. We will all stay in the barracks until the storm passes. Herrera you are the team captain, now it's your turn". And he went to his office.

A: "Well, let's get to work. First we have to check the supplies, many people will come looking for help, then check that there are enough blankets for everyone. Make this barracks as welcoming as possible".

All: "Received Captain".

Puitt was also in the barracks, his job was to receive people and accompany them upstairs. The power went off again and the emergency generator this time did not start.

And now what will happen? Thursday the next chapter!

This is not my language, sorry if there are mistake.

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