Chapter 31

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A: "Don't play any jokes on me, you have to wake up. It's been hours and it's time for you to do it. I can't be without you, I need you, we need you"

Andy kept holding his hand tight and didn't hear when his dad walked into the room and stood beside him.

P: "How are you? Has he not woken up yet?"

A: "Not yet. I thought that telling him something nice would open his eyes, but nothing"

P: "Be patient, he will soon come back to you"

A: "I hope so, we will need him especially now"

P: "What's going on Andy?"

A: "I wanted Robert to be the first to know, but we're expecting a baby"

P: "This is great news"

A: "Yes, but I wish he were awake"

P: "I know, it will soon. Come here" and he held her in a hug before going out and joining the others.

Andy kept talking to Robert with the hope that he would open his eyes and return to them.

A: "I've been sitting here for hours waiting for you to open your eyes. Please do it "he then took the picture of the ultrasound and then continued. "This is the first photo of our baby, I would like to tell everyone but you must know first. I told my father before, but you have to be next, so open those eyes, please. I love you and I can't lose you"

Robert slowly started to open his eyes and wanted to take off the tube, but Andy blocked him. She ran out to call someone. A nurse arrived immediately and after a few minutes Amelia. They removed the intubation and Amelia checked that everything was alright. This time Andy had tears in his eyes of happiness. He went out for a few minutes to make room for Amelia to check her leg so she went to the waiting room where everyone was waiting for news. When they saw her coming crying they all thought the worst, but then she gave a big smile and realized that he had woken up. Maya and Vic hugged her and said nothing. They then left, they would return to visit him the next day when the situation was calmer, while Pruitt remained, he would enter Robert's room later. As soon as Robert was alone in the room, Andy went to him and the first thing he did as soon as he saw him was to go to him and gave him a kiss.

A: "You finally woke up. How do you feel?" she said as she wiped away the last tears.

R: "Sorry if I made you worry, I'm fine. Now I'm here with you"

A: "With us"

R: "What do you mean by us?"

A: "With me and our baby"

R: "Are you pregnant?"

A: "Yes" she said pulling out the ultrasound and showed it to him.

R: "We will have a baby!" he was really happy. "When did you find out?"

A: "While you were in the operating room, Carina was with me because the others were called and she told me that I was pregnant for her. We did the ultrasound which confirmed it"

R: "I'm sorry I missed it, but it won't happen again"

A: "Nobody knows except us and my father. I would like to keep it a little longer just for us"

R: "Okay, we'll tell you when you want" and he started to caress Andy's belly.

Robert made some space on the bed to have her next to him and they cuddled for a while and Andy fell asleep. Pruitt was undecided whether to enter or not, he was outside the door going back and forth, then decided to enter.

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