Chapter 26

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Level 5 fire meant only one thing: chaos. Every Seattle firefighter would be called in to help put the blaze out. When the alarm went off, everyone left their breakfast belongings and rushed off to get their equipment and join the other firefighters. It was going to be a long day and they were all hoping to return safely to their homes at the end of it all. While they were on the rescue vehicles they tried to hear on the radio what was happening to get the first information for when they would arrive. The information they heard was worrying enough. The fire took place in a factory where explosive and flammable materials were produced. They were preparing for the worst. Upon arriving on the scene, Sullivan gathered the whole team and told them to be careful and get out alive. At least they had to work in pairs, take breaks and help anyone in case they saw someone in trouble. He being Battalion Leader had to stay outside and lead them from the outside. It wasn't an easy job, her Andy would be in the red zone, she would be in the most dangerous part, but she had to try not to think about that. Before they parted, they took a couple of minutes to talk so they could do their job without trying to worry about each other.

R: "Andy?"

A: "I know you're worried that I'll be there, but you don't have to think about me, just think about guiding us all and we'll get out alive"

R: "As your Chief I could tell you to stay here at the triage, but I know it wouldn't be fair. I know you are one of the best, I will try not to be worried but know that I will be until you come back to me"

A: "Rest assured that I'll come back to you"

R: "I'll wait for you here. I love you"

A: "I love you Robert"

Those were the last words they said before Andy reached the team and they headed for the red zone. Robert reached the command post where he was immediately made aware of the situation and updated on the orders to be given to his team. He saw many firefighters passing on stretchers in very bad condition, some had severe burns, others were unfortunately lifeless. The more he saw that and then he was worried. After a moment of hesitation he recovered and began communicating with team 19.

R: "19 listen, the situation is bad, in the north-west there are toxic substances, you don't have to go there, there are specialized teams. You have to go to the south-east area.. be very careful there are explosive materials. Stay united and.. everyone come back alive. I will always be listening, any problems do not hesitate to call for help"

Everyone: "Copy Chief"

They put on their masks, grabbed the hoses and headed to the area they were supposed to go to. As they were leaving they saw that the situation was really bad. Firefighters exhausted on the ground looking for oxygen, others had burns and unfortunately others had not made it. They were afraid of what might happen but they didn't have to think about it, they had to put the fear aside and do their job as best they always have. And so they did, they all gathered courage and entered the building. Visibility was bad, there was a lot of thick smoke that prevented him from seeing at a short distance. Every little bit they heard small sudden explosions that made them wince backwards in fright. Some of those explosions were really close to them, but they had to keep walking to get to the source of the fire. When they got there, the situation was tragic. If the fire had reached the perchloric acid beyond those walls it would have been carnage. That substance was stored in containment tanks just to avoid problems in a separate room from everything else. Their job was obviously to try and spend the flames, but they had to make sure the walls didn't get too hot. For that type of acid, a little more heat was enough to explode. Most of the firefighters were concentrated with their hoses splashing water on the walls while they helped put out the flames. They didn't know how long they had been in there, but their oxygen was running out and they had to get out. Nobody wanted to leave but they had to. And so after they went out, they hydrated, changed their oxygen tanks and got oriented. Before returning, Andy contacted Sullivan to let him know of the situation. On the one hand he was relieved to hear her voice, but on the other he was still worried.

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