Chapter 16

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When the alarm went off in the morning, Andy and Robert, after having breakfast and getting ready, went to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital they were waiting for Doctor Tom Koracic, but his place was Amelia Shepherd.
D.S.: "Hello, I'm Doctor Amelia Shepherd"
R: "Good morning Doctor Shepherd, I expected to see Doctor Koracic"
D.S.: "He's busy, if it's not a problem I'll follow you from now on"
R: "No problem"
Amelia then notices a female figure at Robert's side.
D.S.: "Hi, are you?"
A: "Hi, I'm Andrea Herrera the.. a colleague of yours"
D.S.: “Good. Robert just follow me to my room so let's get started” He gestures for him to go.
R: "Is it a problem if she comes too?" pointing to Andy.
D.S.: "If you don't mind there are no problems for me"
Andy and Robert followed Amelia into her room. They sat down on the chairs at the desk. Amelia started asking questions to Robert, she wanted to know how he got hurt and how the pain returned. Robert told him about the ambulance accident he had with Andy, about how she had taken care of him until help arrived until the day he hit his leg and the pain returned. Amelia replied that they had to take tests to assess the situation. While Robert went with a nurse, Amelia stayed with Andy to talk. Amelia asked her why she was there with him and Andy simply replied that after that ambulance experience where they nearly died and also during the fire in Los Angeles, they had become friends and she was the only one who knew about the problem and that it would help him. Amelia nodded and Robert went back to them. Amelia left them for a few minutes to fetch Robert's test results.
D.S.: “The situation has not improved, it has remained stable. The transaction option is still valid"
R: "And is the success rate always 50%?"
D.S.: "Yes"
R: “I can't do it now, I won't have my job anymore. Isn't there another solution?"
D.S.: “We can try some drugs and obviously you should go back to physiotherapy. You will not have to exert too much effort and if you feel pain you have to stop. Of these pills that I prescribe, you can take a maximum of 2 per day only if you feel pain"
R: "Let's try"
D.S.: "And remember that you will need help you will not be able to do everything alone"
Andy looking at Robert whispers that she will be there when she needs his help.
D.S.: "From tomorrow you will start physiotherapy and in a week we will meet again and see how it goes"
R: "Okay"
After they left the hospital, Robert accompanied Andy to the station, but he didn't stop and had to go to station 23 for checks. Andy walked in and headed to his office where he found Maya sitting in her seat. Maya asked her why she was late and Andy just told her she had something to do, he couldn't tell her more at the moment and she didn't have to say what happened to Robert. Maya then updated Andy, they had had a call where they brought the rookie in and that everything was fine, she would read it in the report she was finishing writing. Maya then left the office to make way for Andy.
Meanwhile Sullivan was at Station 23 to check their work and make sure things were all right as he was the Battalion Leader. He didn't hold back for long. As she drove back to her office, she thought back to her conversation with Andy the night before. He decided to take a little break before going to work. He stopped in front of a jewelry store, he was determined to buy a ring and propose to Andy to marry him. Once inside, the saleswoman showed him different types of rings, but none of them were the right one. He wanted something special, something unique, something he could wear every day. As he continued to look and look at those rings, his gaze stopped on a pendant. It was a flame with lots of little diamonds, when he saw it he decided that this pendant would be perfect for Andy. On the back of the pendant he had their initials of the name engraved, an A and an R. Once back at the station, he hid the box in his desk drawer and then summoned Pruitt to his office.
P: "Is there something wrong Robert?"
R: "It's alright, how do you feel?"
P: “For now I'm fine. Why did you call me?"
R: "Well .. here .. I .. this morning I bought something for Andy and before proposing to marry me I wanted his permission"
P: “Oh. How could I not give you my permission. I immediately understood that you were in love, you could read it on your face, I can't understand how the rest of the team still haven't noticed! You have all my support Robert"
R: "Thank you"
After Pruitt walked out of Sullivan's office, Sullivan immediately began to think about how and when to talk to Andy. Everything had to be perfect. He decided that that same evening he would ask him with a romantic dinner in the garden of his house. He then texted Andy asking if she would have dinner with him tonight. Unfortunately, things weren't turning out as Robert would have hoped. Andy replied that she would be having dinner with Vic and Maya because they hadn't been together for a long time and only the three of them needed to stay a few hours, but he also replied that after dinner she would go to him. Robert had to find another solution.
Once the shift ended, Andy headed home along with Maya and Vic. They ate pizza sitting on the sofa while chatting about anything. Andy told their friends about the meeting with his father and that things were fine now, but he hadn't mentioned the wedding talk he had with Robert once they got home. Vic, on the other hand, told of going out with one of Gray-Sloan's doctors, Jackons Avery, while Maya had made the acquaintance of Dr. Carina De Luca, but was confused because she was still dating Jack. Meanwhile, Robert was preparing a big surprise at his house. He had illuminated the garden with small soft lights and candles, while on the table he had placed a bouquet of red roses and two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Before Andy arrived he went to change, simply put on a blue shirt and a pair of jeans, then sat impatiently waiting for her on the sofa. He was very nervous, he started thinking about different scenarios that could happen, then the bell rang, it was her. He was very agitated when he opened the door, but as soon as he saw her the only thing he did was to kiss her before letting her into the house. Entering the house Andy noticed that there was something different than usual.
A: "Robert are you all right?"
R: "Yes yes, all right, I have a surprise for you"
A: "What would be the surprise?"
R: “You will soon see it. Now get this blindfold on and let me guide you"
Robert put the blindfold on her and walked her into the garden, then took it off. Andy couldn't believe what he was seeing. But before she could say anything Robert grabbed her hands and started talking.
R: "Andy, since I saw you from the first time you hit me. The first time I saw you I felt emotions that I hadn't felt in years. I know that at first you hated me for stealing the captain's seat that you wanted, but in the end then you got it and you are doing it very well. We have not always agreed, especially at the beginning when we often quarreled, in those moments I realized what kind of woman you were. You are always ready to defend what you care even in situations where you shouldn't. You are not afraid to throw yourself in the middle of the fire to save someone by putting even if you risk your life, this has never stopped you and I like this side of you. Things changed between us when we got that ambulance accident during the storm. There I realized that I could open up to you, confide in you about anything. You were the first person in many years that I told about Clair and after telling you about her I felt different as if from then on I could feel freer. You were close to me in the months following the accident, we became friends, then more than friends. You managed to make me feel part of the team, indeed that is not just a team but a family. That time in Los Angeles in that pool I realized that I fell in love with you. Days passed and I did nothing but think of you even when we had a fight and I didn't see you for a week, I missed you. I can't promise you that we won't fight anymore because we certainly will, but together we will overcome all the bad moments. I know that the pain in my leg will not go away only with the drugs, sooner or later I will need surgery and this scares me a lot, but if I think you will be with me by my side, everything will be fine. I need you Andy, I love you”. While saying these last words, he takes a red velvet box out of his pocket and opens it. "Maybe you were expecting a ring, but I wanted something unique and special for you. This flame represents us and our love. I want to spend the rest of the days with you, I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms and wake up together with You. Sorry if I can't get to my knees as I would like, my leg won't allow me at the moment, but the meaning of the question I'm about to ask you doesn't change. Will you marry me?"
Andy, with tears of happiness, approached Robert and said: "YES"
After a long kiss Andy then picked up the box with the pendant inside.
A: "It's beautiful. I love you too Robert"
Robert as he put the necklace on her: "Do you really like it?"
A: “Yes a lot, it's perfect”
After celebrating by drinking champagne, they went to the room where they made love until they were tired and fell asleep hugging each other. The morning came very early and neither of us had heard the alarm. The first to wake up was Robert and he realized that if they hadn't woken up, both of them would surely be late for the start of the shift. He began to wake Andy by giving her little kisses and then calmly opened his eyes.
R: "Good morning"
A: "Good morning, but what time is it?"
R: "It's late, we only have half an hour to arrive on time"
A: “Really? And the alarm did not go off?"
R: "We probably didn't hear it, we were very tired"
A: "Let's move on then, I wouldn't want to be late another time"
R: "Could your boss be upset if you are late?" he asked amusedly.
A: "I don't worry about him, I know how not to make him mad at me.." she replied with a mischievous look before getting out of bed quickly and starting to get ready as quickly as possible.
When they got to the station neither of them was late, they got there just in time. Andy hardly had time to fix the bag in the office which was invaded by multiple questions from Maya and Vic. As the three talked, Sullivan called everyone into the kitchen, he had an important announcement to make.
What will Sullivan have to announce that is so important?
Will the marriage be secret or not? What do you prefer? I am undecided. Next Monday the new chapter!

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