Chapter 29

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Second part of the honeymoon

During the night there was a loud noise that woke Andy and he started shaking.. Outside there was a very strong wind and probably a branch had banged violently on their bedroom window, that's what made Andy wake up suddenly. She was afraid, it was a loud noise like the one she had heard a little over a year ago when she and Robert had had the ambulance accident. He was shaking, he was afraid, he hadn't had any nightmares about that night for months, but that evening, those noises made him remember all those moments. When she jumped out of bed, she unwittingly woke Robert up too.

R: "Hey, what's up?"

A: "Nothing, I'm fine"

R: "No, you are not well, you are shaking"

A: "I'm afraid. That noise from before reminded me of our accident"

R: "You're safe here now. I'm here with you"

A: "I thought I would be able to forget, it took months to stop having nightmares, and yet now they are back"

R: "But now you are not alone, you have me"

A: "You were with me that time too, but it was different and you were hurt. I don't want that to happen again"

R: "And it won't happen. We're safe in here. It was different because you hated me" he said smiling.

A: "I didn't hate you.. ok, maybe a little bit, but it was your fault"

R: "My fault?"

A: "Yes, sure, you were really an asshole to everyone. You yelled giving us orders, you never ate with us and you never agreed with me. And then you stole my place as Captain. Should I continue?"

R: "Ok, ok, that's enough. Fortunately things have changed"

A: "The only positive thing about that incident is our relationship which has changed for the better"

R: "So we can also say thanks to that incident if we are here together now"

A: "Stop joking, it's not funny. It was horrible. You still pay the consequences"

R: "But we're alive, that's what counts"

A: "You're right" she said yawning.

R: "Try to sleep, I don't move from here"

A: "What if I wake up again?"

R: "I'll wake up with you, I'll always be by your side"

A: "Good night"

R: "Good night"

The following hours of the night were anything but quiet. Outside the wind was getting stronger and Andy couldn't sleep. Every single episode of that night of the accident had come back to her. He remembered very well when they were about to leave that road, but instead the strong wind dragged them down the ravine. She remembered little of that fall because she fainted, but she remembered Shannon's words when she told them what had happened since she lived through it without fainting. She remembered very well the fear she had when Robert told her he no longer felt her legs. He remembered how he had managed to take him to the back of the ambulance to take care of him. The louder the noises got, the more frightened she was. The only feeling of relief was Robert who had embraced her and never left her despite the fact that hours had passed. He tried to close his eyes to try to sleep, but he couldn't. She remembered her climb in the dark to try to access the only flare that had remained intact, during that climb she had fallen beating her head and had not told anyone, only the doctors when she was in the hospital. She remembered very well when their patient's heart had stopped and he had put the necklace on her so that her grandmother could recognize her. He kept shaking and sobbed. Robert has always been awake even if she didn't realize it.

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