Chapter 21

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Robert and Andy's night was not very peaceful. He was in pain, every time he tried to change position in the bed to find a more comfortable one he had pangs of pain in his ribs, and Andy who was sleeping next to him noticed everything. Each time she tried to comfort him as she could, caressed him and whispered words of comfort to him, she wanted to hug him but was afraid of making him feel even more pain. When the sun's rays started to come in through the window they were already awake. Andy, trying not to cause any more pain in Robert, put her head on his shoulder and as she did every time he drew circles on his chest.
A: "Can't we stay like this all day?"
R: "For when I would like, we can't, soon they will all be here"
A: "I know" he snorted.
R: "Let's do this, as soon as they leave we go back to bed and stay as long as you want"
A: "Deal. Let's stay a little longer now, it's still early"
R: "Okay" he answered kissing her forehead.
The more time passed, the less Andy wanted to get up and get ready. After several attempts, Robert managed to convince her to get out of that bed. They got up, dressed, and then went down to the kitchen for a coffee and then started tidying up the garden for when everyone would arrive. As Andy was finishing the last things, the doorbell rang. Andy had stood motionless in front of the door, not wanting to open it yet.
R: "Andy.. the door won't open by itself"
A: "I know.." she said with a sigh "Now I'll open"
Everyone was out there when he opened the door. The first to enter were Vic and Maya, Andy motioned them to go to the garden where Robert was, then all the others entered as well. Once they got to the garden they asked Robert how he was. They were all talking about this and that Andy spat out the truth.
A: "There is one thing you need to know.. Robert and I are together"
Maya and Vic smiled already they knew everything, while the others, even if they suspected something, were especially shocked by Jack.
A: "Well? Do you have anything to say?"
T: "I knew it! Now pay the bet you lost!"
R: "Did you bet on us? How long?"
T: "From the gala evening"
R: "Ahh"
Andy noticed that Maya as well as Jack and Ben had also lost the bet.
A: "Maya did you lose too? You knew everything you could win"
M: "Vic and I have bet differently so that nothing is understood, the winnings Vic divides it like me!"
V: "A perfect plan!"
Jack who was still in love with Andy didn't take it very well. He was angry enough to yell at everyone.
J: "That's how you became Captain then, you used to sleep with him, now I understand"
A: "That's not why Jack, I deserved it"
J: "Stop talking bullshit. Admit it you open your legs just to make a career"
R: "Gibson! I think you're exaggerating now"
J: "Sir, it's not about you but Andy"
R: "I think it's also about me at this point. You're saying things that aren't true, you're insulting her for no reason"
J: "I don't insult her, it's not my fault if she plays the whore with anyone and gets everyone to bed"
A: "Stop it. You don't have to care who I sleep with or what I do, it's none of your business"
J: "So you see you're only with him for convenience?"
A: "Do you want to know the truth? I love Robert, I am in love with him. We love each other and we will get married"
J: "What? Are you sure? When I asked you, you said you didn't want to, now you?"
A: "Stop it Jack. It's true I didn't want to get married, I didn't think about having a family of my own because you were my family, you are my family, but I love Robert and I want one with him"
J: "You're just lying to yourself, you only care about yourself otherwise you wouldn't have hidden anything from us"
A: "You're exaggerating now. I invited everyone here to tell you this. It was supposed to be good news, I wanted my family to be happy for me, but you screwed it up. Now get out of here and don't show up for a while."
Jack stormed off. Andy had tears in her eyes, and she walked away from everyone. Robert was getting up to follow her, but Maya and Vic stopped him and told him they would take care of it.
M: "Andy?"
A: "I don't want to talk, I just need to drink" She opened the fridge and took 3 beers and passed them to her friends.
They started drinking without saying anything, Andy was really mad after the fight with Jack.
A: "I'm so angry at him"
M: "We know"
A: "How could he say those things about me?"
M: "You know he always had a soft spot for you even after you broke up. He really wanted to marry you"
A: "But I didn't want him, he knew it. He's always been a friend I loved, we had fun but nothing more and he knew this"
V: "You will see that in a while he passes, he thinks about it and he will come to apologize for everything he said to you"
A: "He doesn't have to apologize only to me, he must also apologize to Robert"
While they were in the house talking, the boys remained outside in the garden.
R: "I know you have a lot of questions to ask, I'll wait for Andy to answer"
B: "Can I only do one?"
R: "Just ask"
B: "Are you happy together?"
R: "Yes"
B: "Ok, I have nothing else to ask for, the rest is your personal thing. Congratulations on the wedding"
R: "Thanks Warren"
T: "Oh I have a lot of questions to ask, but ok we'll wait for Andy"
D: "You're always the same curious you!"
T: "As if you weren't curious eh"
D: "Ok ok you're right"
Not long after, the girls returned to the garden. Andy sat next to Robert who wasted no time and pulled her towards him to wrap her in a hug. It was quite a painful gesture for him, but at the moment he didn't care, he wanted to comfort his woman. When she managed to hug her he gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled at him. After that moment of tenderness that everyone had witnessed, it was time to answer a few questions.
T: "How long have you been together?"
A: "From after the fire in Los Angeles"
T: "And did the two of them always know?" He said pointing to Vic and Maya.
A: "No"
M: "But we figured it out when they argued and she was "sick" for a week. Who do you think arranged for him to visit Andy?"
A: "Was it your doing? You never told me. So when you came back that evening you knew who he was.."
V: "Oh sure we knew that. Outside his office we screamed that you were still sick, it was obvious that he was worried he would come to you"  she was laughing remembering what they had done.
Robert looking Andy in the eyes: "And I did well that day to come to you"
A: "I would say yes"
T: "Can I keep asking questions? I still have a lot of them!"
D: "You're the usual curious"
A: "Just ask"
T: "This is just out of curiosity. Did you have sex in the office while we were at the station?"
Maya and Vic were laughing, Maya had heard them once.
A: "I won't answer this"
T: "Ok, I'll take that as a yes then. Now some more serious questions. When and where are you getting married? You haven't bought the real dress yet"
A: "We will get married soon, I want my father to be there. Where? We don't know yet. I haven't bought the dress, but I've already seen what I would like and I can't say more about this in his presence" For Robert must have been a surprise.
D: "I have a question. How did Pruitt take it? His only daughter is getting married and moreover with her boss!"
A: "Surprisingly he took it well"
R: "When I talked to him to ask for permission to marry him he was happy"
D: "Wow, I thought he would kill any person Andy wanted!"
R: "I thought them too! Ahah"
The day went on with chatter and laughter, they had all had lunch together, then in the late afternoon they left, leaving Andy and Robert alone. On that day the team had met a new side of Robert, the kind and caring one, the funny one who made jokes and had fun with all of them.
R: "I think I'll go and lie down in bed"
A: "Ok, are you in so much pain?"
R: "Enough. I've been sitting all day, ribs hurt now.."
A: "I understand. I'll finish arranging and I'll join you"
R: "We can fix it later, it was hard for you today too. I see you are tired, come with me"
Without replying Andy followed him into their bedroom. She changed into more comfortable clothes and went to his side of the bed. When Robert was also settled in bed he tried to approach her to wrap his arms around her, but she moved at that gesture.
R: "Why are you leaving?"
A: "Because you are suffering I don't want to add pain"
R: "It's a pain I can take"
A: "But .. I.."
R: "No buts, come closer and don't worry"
She then rested her head on his chest as he stroked her back. It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep. When they woke up it was already dinner time and neither of them wanted to cook. They then decided to order dinner. When he finished eating Andy fixed everything, Robert had tried to help him but she stopped him. Then joined him to watch a movie. They spent the evening between the movie and cuddling and then sleeping, Andy would have to wake up early to start his shift. When the alarm went off, Andy tried to get up without waking Robert but without success, he was already awake before her.
R: "Hey, good morning"
A: "Good morning. Sorry I didn't want to wake you up"
R: "I was already awake. While you're getting ready, I'll make coffee"
A: "Don't worry I can do it"
R: "No, no, I'll take care of it, I need to get up a little"
A: "Ok"While Andy was getting ready, Robert went down to the kitchen and made breakfast for both of them.
A: "I only needed coffee" she said going to him to kiss him.
R: "I know, but since I had to have breakfast, I also prepared for you"
A: "Thank you. Will you be fine all day alone today?"
R: "Yes yes. I'll rest, work on the PC for a while and I'll prepare dinner for you when you come back"
A: "You have already planned the whole day so.."
R: "More or less yes. I'll write or call you if I need something, I know you were going to tell me"
A: "Well. I'm going now, see you tonight"
R: "See you tonight"
She came over to give him a kiss, the kind she never wanted to never end, she didn't want to leave him alone but she was forced.
R: "Come on go or be late" he said smiling.
A: "Ok. I love you"
R: "I love you"
When she arrived at the station she went straight to her office to put on her uniform and she joined the others upstairs. When she walked into the kitchen she saw them all sitting there at the breakfast table. She got a cup of coffee and joined them, but something was different, someone was missing. That someone who was missing was Jack. The atmosphere without him was pleasant, but then it came. Andy was still very mad at him so when she saw him she got up to leave.
J: "Andy can we talk please?"
A: "I'm Captain Herrera and not Andy for you"
J: "Ok. Can we talk Captain?"
Andy didn't know whether to talk to him or not, he didn't know if she was still ready to hear what he had to say, but then he replied: "In 10 minutes in my office" and left without waiting for his answer.
M: "Jack try not to make her more angry than she is now"
J: "Leave me alone Maya. I know I shouldn't have said what I said, but I don't regret it, it's the truth"
M: "You're wrong, if you go to her now it'll be even worse"
J: "Stop intruding, it's none of your business or anyone else's" he said pointing to everyone.
M: "Oh no? Who do you think she'll let off steam as soon as you leave her office? Since Sullivan's at home it's up to me and Vic to be with her. Sullivan with everything you said, he would have done well to give it to you"
J: "I don't know, do you want to come to Andy's too?" He said irritably.
M: "Oh no no go alone, otherwise I'll give you a punch"
J: "You wouldn't have the courage"
M: "Are you really sure?" Was approaching him threateningly.
J: "Stay in your seat Bishop and let's let go" Jack left the kitchen and headed for Andy's office.
Andy had entered his office slamming the door, she had exchanged only two words with Jack but they were enough to lose what little good mood she had. As she paced back and forth in her office she was thinking about whether to call Robert after talking to Jack or to wait when she got home, surely she knew she would talk to Maya and Vic. His thoughts were interrupted by Jack knocking on the door.
How will things go between the two? You will discover them in the next chapter on next Monday!
A new story will come out on Wednesday or Thursday..

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