Chapter 23

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On the way to the address where they were called, Andy had sent a message to Robert that Dixon would bring him the documents he needed. As soon as he received an answer, he put the phone away because they had arrived. Meanwhile Jack had come home to Sullivan who certainly did not expect Jack at his door.

S: "Gibson what are you doing at my house"

J: "Andy sent me to bring you this stuff" he said handing him the folder with the documents.

S: "She just told me that Dixon had to pass, not you, but it doesn't matter. Thanks for this" he replied pointing to the documents.

J: "Can we talk?"

S: "Now? You're not on duty at the station?"

J: "If it's okay now. I'm on duty at the desk, I left someone in my place for a while"

S: "Ok, enter"

Sullivan made Jack sit in the kitchen where he had settled down to work and offered him coffee.

S: "So.. what did you want to talk about? I guess you're not here for an apology"

J: "I came here as a lieutenant. I wanted to report my Captain for hurting me on the job"

S: "Are you serious? What would Captain Herrera have done towards you?"

J: "Yesterday he hit me in the face" he said pointing to her face.

S: "Ohh for that. Are you serious? Is this a joke?"

J: "No joke, I'm very serious"

S: "Seeing what you told her and what you were going to do you deserved it"

J: "He can't speak to me as the boss and not as the Captain's alleged boyfriend"

S: "First point we are engaged, let him get into your head. Second point I'm answering you as I want, I'm not on duty and I'm in my house"

J: "So if that's the case I'll go upstairs to report everything. About the blow and your secret story. That way there will be problems for you right?"

S: "Go ahead, you would just make a bad impression. Go and tell everything, but you have to tell the truth. She hit you because you were about to do something wrong, I recommend the truth. And as for our history they already know everything, they already have the documents signed by us for some time. And now see you get out of my house before it hits the other side of your face" Sullivan was getting really mad.

J: "Ok, ok I'm leaving, but the story doesn't end here" and he left slamming the door.

As soon as Jack left Robert had to warn Andy to watch out for Jack, who knows what he was up to. Was he really going to report her to headquarters? If he did, he was in the wrong anyway, Andy had done well, indeed she had to be the one to report him for his unprofessional behavior, but she was not such a vengeful person. Robert dialed Andy's number and she answered immediately, she had just gotten back into the truck to go back to the station, Maya was at his side and could hear the conversation.

A: "Robert are you okay?"

R: "Yes yes I'm fine, but you have to know something before I get to the station"

A: "What happened? Do I have to worry?"

R: "Jack came to bring me the documents"

A: "What? Really?"

R: "And he wanted to talk to me. He wanted to report you because you hit him in the workplace. He also threatened to go upstairs to report you because I said you did well, also he wanted to report us hoping for something against us"

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