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Kingston stood behind his older brother as he waited for his turn to shoot, the rest of the team lined up behind them. He watched as Stiles scooped up a ball into his net, taking a few steps forwards before he let the ball fly...right into the goalie's net. The curly haired boy had snorted trying to keep his laugh in, earning a glare from the older boy.

As he made his way to the back of the line, the other Stilinski stepped up, picking up a ball. His eyes landed on the goalie as he readied himself, taking a deep breath before hurling the ball towards the goal. It flew threw the air and right into the net, the goal keeper missing it by just a few seconds.

"Yes!" He heard the coach yelling from the sidelines. "That's how it's done."

The sophomore boy smirked and turned around to head to the back of the line, patting Liam on the shoulder as he went. When he got to the back, he was situated behind Scott and Stiles, the latter of the two still glaring daggers at the blonde about to make his shot.

"You know, maybe he's only good in goalie." He said hopefully. "You know, just totally useless on the rest of the field."

The three watched as Liam stepped up and took a moment to aim before flinging the ball straight into the goal, right past the person guarding it.

"Yes!" Coach cheered once again, throwing his hands up into the air as a wide smile was etched onto his face.

The older Stilinski boy groaned softly. "Or maybe he's just perfect at everything." He paused. "I hate him."

Kingston scoffed lightly, causing the two juniors to look at him. "You just hate him because he's good and you suck." Stiles glared at his brother before punching his arm roughly, earning a soft grunt of pain, but a smirk from the younger.

"You don't hate him." Scott said, causing his best friend to face him once again. "Besides, the team needs new players."

Stiles sighed as he watched all the other players congratulate and high five Liam. "What about a new team captain?"

This seemed to get to the tanned boy as he made his way to the front of the line, picking a ball up into his net. He focused on the goal for a little while, took a deep breath, and let it fly. It seemed to be going good, until it hit the metal rim of the goal and bounced off, causing the rest of the players, including King, to laugh.

"Nice, McCall." Garrett said sarcastically from where he stood a little off to the side.

"Garrett." The oldest Stilinski looked over at the blonde boy with a sarcastic look of his own. "Shut up."

That's how it went for basically the rest of the single shots; miss, score, score, miss; Stiles, then King, then Liam and Scott. Every time the former team captain would miss a shot, it would result in laughter from the team. But what King found really enjoyable was watching the two juniors' faces fall as Coach Finstock was hollering in glee anytime the freshman or curly haired boy made a shot.

"McCall, Stilinski!" Coach called, gaining the attention of three boys. Seeing the younger's look, he waved it off. "Older Stilinski. Grab the long sticks; you're covering goal for two-on-ones." He blew the whistle again and everyone got in their places.

Kingston watched as player after player was blocked by the two boys defending the goal, smirking to himself as he seen them all land with a thud in the grass. One of the juniors was about to go when the young Stilinski went to the front, standing at the ready.

"Alright." Coach shouted. "I see you, King." He lifted the whistle to his lips and blew harshly into it, the shrill sound putting everyone into motion.

The curly haired boy quickly lifted the ball into his net and took off, aiming towards his brother first. He saw Stiles aiming to hit his net and passed it to his other hand, turning to his side as he avoided the blow and kept running. He didn't get much father, however, when a mass rammed into his body, causing him to fall to the ground with a huff. The boy's stick fell out of his hand as he landed on his back, groaning softly.

Scott appeared in his line of vision with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that."

"You alright, Stilinski?" Coach called out, seeing as the brunette boy was still laying on the ground.

King just held up a weak thumbs up. "Yeah. Feelin' great, Coach."

"Then get off your ass." He said as he blew the whistle again.

Scott held a hand out and helped the younger brother up onto his feet. Once he was standing, the tan boy gave him a pat on the shoulder in apology before he made his way back to the line, watching as Liam took his turn. The blonde boy got past the two defenders easily enough, being able to make his shot perfectly into the goal.

"That's how you do it!" Finstock yelled happily. "That's how it's done!"

"That was luck!" A girl shouted from the stands. Looking over, King saw it was none other than Malia, his brother's girlfriend, standing up and out of her seat. "Do-over!"

Coach shook his head slightly and turned to look at the girl. "Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice."

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!"

"I'll take that action! Hey, get back in there, Liam!" His whistle blew again after the order, making the young blonde boy sigh as he put his helmet back on.

The whole thing unfolded rather quickly in King's opinion. One moment the freshman was running towards the goal, and the next he was being flung over Scott's shoulder and onto the grass with a sickening snap.

Everyone started rushing over as the boy howled out in pain, even the coach. "Don't move! Don't touch him!"

"I'm okay, Coach." Liam tried to argue. "I'm alright." When the boy tried to stand, he let out another howl of pain, causing King and Scott to both rush forwards, putting one of the boy's arms around each of their shoulders. "I think it's my leg."

"I think we better get him to the nurse." Stiles commented as the three boys helped Liam off the field, listening as coach shouted orders at the rest of the team.

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