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Kingston was walking down the hall after leaving the weight room when he heard low growling coming from the locker room. He quickly glanced around him before he rushed into the room, the blonde freshman pinned against the lockers, hanging off the ground by his neck, gripping the other person's wrist tightly. Liam's eyes were glowing a vibrant yellow and his canines had grew into fangs.

And none other than pinning him was Derek fucking Hale.

"You're right." The brunette heard as he walked into the room, an new emotion rising inside of him, replacing his one of content. "He is angry."

"Yeah and so am I." The Stilinski said and, just as Derek turned around, shoved the older werewolf into the lockers. Hard.

"King." Scott said, unsure of what to do right now.

He completely ignored him. "That is for fucking leaving me, asshole."

"King." The alpha spoke again, his tone stern this time as he realized what was happening. When the sophomore boy didn't answer, he gripped his arm, spinning him around. As he did so, the curly haired boy let out a low growl, his eyes glowing and fangs out for display. Scott was shocked for a moment as he saw the vibrant eyes that were glowing back at him soon recovered and growled lowly at his beta, his own red eyes showing themselves.

The bell interrupted them before anything else could happen. The Stilinski slowly felt himself calming down from his outburst, but still didn't like the fact that he was anywhere near Derek Hale. He glanced over and saw Liam looked at the three werewolves, still calming down, too.

"Get to class, guys." Scott said to the two of them, his voice having its normal gentle touch.

They both shot a look to Derek before King pat the younger boy on the shoulder, wrapping an arm around him as he led the boy out of the locker room, dropping off his stick and grabbing his stuff on the way.

The true alpha sighed once they were gone, looking over to see a smirk on the other werewolf's face. "What?"

"You're gonna be good at this." He said.

"Are you kidding? I am totally unprepared!" The junior boy said, exasperated. "Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think right now, I could use a full-on training manual."

"I'll tell you one thing: that anger they've got...it will make them strong." The older of the two said. "Especially Liam."

"It's gonna make them dangerous, though."

Derek nodded with a small smirk. "Very."


The two betas walked out of the locker room side by side, the presence of the one seeming to bring a sense of peace to the other. Nothing was said for a while before King sighed. "Wanna get outta here? At least for a bit. I know a place."

The freshman boy seemed skeptical as hoisted his bag further up on his shoulder. "I don't know. I gave to get to biology..."

"And I have American studies." The brunette scoffed, looking at him with a smirk. "I don't see your point." Liam didn't answer and King sighed, grabbing his elbow and stopping his walk, the younger boy stopping, too. "Come on. Please? I need a distraction."

Liam looked over at the boy, noticing the way he smirked, knowing the look he gave would make him get his way. It always did. His green eyes bore into the boy's blue ones like knives. "Fine." He finally sighed.

"Ha ha, yessss." The sixteen year said happily as he grabbed lightly onto Liam's wrist, yanking him through the hallways.

The two found themselves exiting the school through an emergency exit and out onto the roof. King sighed in content and ran over to the edge, hopping up on the short brick wall and holding his hands out to his sides. His head tilted back as he took in a deep breath.

From a few steps away from the door, the blonde boy watched with a smile on his face. He couldn't help but wonder how he seemed to be so content with life at the moment, despite everything that was happening around them. He admired it. He admired him.

"I come up here when I need a moment alone." The Stilinski said as he let his body relax again, looking out at the town below. He glanced over his shoulder, smiling at Liam, before turning back around. "Get a breath of fresh air every once and awhile. Life lately has just had just been-"

"Crazy." The freshman said as he went beside his friend, staying down on the main floor, following the boy's gaze. "Tell me about it."

"I just wish that night had never happened." King said before he turned to look down at the boy beside him. "Everything after we left that hospital room, that is."

Liam gave the older boy a small smile, watching as he hopped off the ledge and sat down against the wall instead, one leg bent while the other stretched out in front of him. The blonde boy sat beside him, crossing his legs and resting his elbows on his knees.

"What happened back there?" The freshman asked after a long silence passed between the two teenagers. "With you and Derek."

"He's an asshole, that's what." Seeing the look the younger boy was giving him, King sighed and allowed his smug smirk to drop. "He left me last night. Scott said he could help me the night of the full moon, but he left me by myself, saying he needed to help my dad with something." The boy chuckled lightly, though it was more out of distain than anything. "Oh, can't forget his uncle who treated me as a house pet before ditching the place."

"I'm sorry." Liam said, his voice laced with slight pity as he rested a hand against the boy's knees, causing the brunette's heart to skip a beat. He just hoped it wasn't heard. And it seemed to pass unnoticed. "If I had known-"

"It was your first full moon, too, Liam. You wouldn't have been able to do much." The Stilinski shrugged off. "Besides, I can handle myself well; you needed Scott more than I did."

The freshman couldn't help but feel sorry for him. After all, while he got the worry and concern from his alpha, the same one had left his other beta to be neglected. It caused him to be anger at Scott, but he didn't show it as he continued to look at the older boy.

The amount of concern that filled the young boy's eyes caused King's heart to swell. Between the puppy dog eyes and the amount of concern Liam held for him, the brunette couldn't seem to catch a break. But the sound of a vehicle pulling into the parking lot snapped them both out of their trance.

Standing up, both teens looked down and saw that class had been let out and students were wandering out into the courtyard, watching as the opposing team arrived. One by one, the Devenford players got off the bus, their equipment bags slung over their shoulders as they studied the scene before them.

King smirked slightly as he pat his friend on the shoulder, causing the blonde to look at him. "What do you say we go give them a Beacon Hills welcome?"

Author's Note
I need a ship name for my boys
Do you guys like Kiam....? Is Kiam cute?
I like Kiam

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