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Soft murmuring was the first thing Kingston heard when he regained consciousness, though he couldn't pinpoint the voice. He groaned softly, feeling the dull pain in his head. He didn't feel like opening his eyes, not wanting to be met with the harsh light he knew was there.

"Looks like someone's coming back." One of the voices said, moving closer to where the boy was laying.

"King." Another one said. This one the sixteen year old recognized as Scott, causing the brunette to open his eyes, being met with a harsh light. He squinted his eyes as they got adjusted to the brightness. "How are you feeling?"

The brunette's vision finally cleared and he was able to see his alpha standing next to him, Deaton next to him. On his other side was a man he didn't recognize. "I feel hungover." He admitted.

"You took a nasty hit to the head." The vet told him. "But your healing has already kicked in, so the pain should be gone shortly."

Kingston nodded and lifted his head further, getting as much strength as he had to lift himself into a sitting position, groaning as he did so. The boy turned and glanced at the unfamiliar man before turning to face the tanned boy. "Who's he?"

"This is Chris Argent." Scott told the boy before looking over at the man. "Chris, this is King Stilinski."

"Stilinski?" He repeated, looking over to the brunette boy. "Sheriff's kid?" When the sixteen year old nodded in reply, he laughed breathlessly. "Well, I'll be. How did Noah's son end up a beta?"

"It's a long story." King said simply, pulling his sleeve away from his shoulder to reveal the top of his scars. The man just nodded in understanding, allowing the boy to fix his shirt.

Chris turned to the older teenager. "We need to get going. Got the scent?"

As Scott nodded, the beta perked up. "What scent? Where are we going?"

The Stilinski boy tried to swing his legs off the table to stand, but the alpha stopped him. "You aren't going anywhere. Argent and I are going to get Kate." He saw the boy's mouth open to object, but he cut him off quickly. "And you're staying here until you're better."

"I feel fine." He brushed off quickly quickly, trying to get onto his feet once more.


"No, okay?" The boy snapped as he looked into the brown eyes of the senior. As he did so, Scott was able to see the worry and hurt he masked so well behind the shades of green. "I can't sit here and do nothing while..." The boy cut himself off as he looked down, shaking his head. "I...I need to find him." He spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper.

"And we will." The tan boy reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'll let you know as soon as we know something, okay? I promise...Liam's going to be just fine."

Seeing the reassurance in his brown eyes, King nodded slowly. With that, he watched helplessly as the hunter and the alpha left the clinic, chasing a scent that would, hopefully, lead them to Kate. And, in turn...Liam.

He wasn't sure how long it had been since then. The brunette boy just sat, leaning against the brick wall of the exam room, in silence. His heart was pounding nervously in his chest as he fiddled with anything he could; his fingers, a pen he found on the table, a cotton swab. Anything.

As he was about to call for Deaton, a loud sound filled the air. At least, it was loud to him. Though he had never heard it before, he knew what it was. Who it was. And where it was coming from. So, without any hesitation, the young beta quickly left the vet's office, taking off into the night.

The sound of Liam's roar still pounded in his ears as he ran, despite the noise being long gone. King just kept running, allowing his feet to carry him where they felt they needed to go.

With his supernatural speed, he made it to the preserve in mere minutes, stopping at the edge of a clearing. Much to his relief, sitting by the side of a well, sat Liam, who was wrapped up in his alpha's arms.

"Oh my god..." He breathed out softly, though the words were caught by both boys as they turned and looked at the approaching boy. "Liam..."

"King..." The blonde said in reply. He wasn't able to say much more as the sophomore boy wrapped his arms tightly around the younger boy, holding him against his chest.

Both of the boy's seemed to visibly relax, especially Kingston. Liam was alive, at least for now, and he was alright. The brunette boy didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if they were even a little bit later in finding him.

"You're okay." The Stilinski said softly, though it was more to reassure himself than anyone. "You're okay."


They soon got the blonde boy back to the clinic, but at that point, he had passed out; whether it was from exhaustion or pain, no one was really sure. The boy was stripped of his shirt and laid on the metal table.

King stood by his side as Deaton made a clean incision down his chest, just like the one he had done to the other beta just the night before. As a burst of yellow smoke emitted from the blonde boy's chest, the Stilinski boy let out a sigh of relief.

Scott presses his forearm to his beta's forehead before he, too, sighed. "I don't want to keep watching people die."

Argent shook his head. "I'm not sure you have much choice about that..."

"Maybe I do."

"That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott." Deaton told the young werewolf form where he stood beside Kingston, whose green eyes were locked on the unconscious boy laying before them.

"I don't care." The true alpha argued back. "No one else dies. Everyone on that list...everyone on that Deadpool...it doesn't matter if they're wendigos, or werewolves or whatever...I'm gonna save everyone."

King nodded in agreement, looking up for the first time at his alpha. "No one else dies." He said, earning a short nod from Scott before his eyes drifted back down to the boy in front on him, the young brunette holding his arm gently.


Stiles sighed as he paced back and forth in his room. "Okay, well, we one one thing." He spoke to Lydia, who sat looking exhausted behind her laptop screen. "Both of the first two keys, Allison and Aiden; they're both names of the dead. Right?"

"But we've already tried every other dead person's name we could think of." The girl reminded him. "And, if you haven't noticed, there were a lot of tries."

"Yeah, I noticed." He stated sarcastically before looking over and noticing the distant look in the girl's eyes. "You okay?"

Lydia sighed sadly. "The only other banshee I've her met...and I think I might have just drove her over the edge." She told him, remembering the incident with Meredith back at Eichen House.

"Lydia, it wasn't your fault. I was there, too. And you're probably not the only..." The Stilinski boy trialed off, his eyes widening ever so slightly in realization. "Hold on. Banshees predict death, right? So, what if the third key is someone who isn't dead-"

"But will be." The strawberry blonde girl said, cutting him off as she realized what he was getting at. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let her fingers hover over the keyboard. The banshee slowly started clicking keys that, to her seemed to be at random, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a name written in the box. Derek.

The two teenagers shared a look before Lydia hit enter on the keypad, the code gibberish turning quickly into the third and finally part of the Deadpool. While they both seemed relieved to have found it, Stiles felt his heart drop.

His eyes seemed glued onto the name. The name of the one person he knew, for a fact, had nothing to do about all this supernatural business. But, there it was; his name listed right below Liam's.

𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚔𝚒 5

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