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Kingston was stuffing his textbooks into his locker when a figure suddenly appeared beside him. Glancing over, the sophomore rolled his eyes turned back to his locker, his irritation from earlier rising. The person standing next to him was the last person he wanted to see.

"Here to tell me that your going with Liam tonight?" He snarked. "That you're helping him during the full moon and abandoning your other beta?"

Scott sighed softly. "You're right; I'm helping Liam tonight, but I'm also here to tell you that I found someone to help you tonight. Someone that could help you way more than I can." When the younger boy didn't answer, he stood up straighter. "Listen, I know you're not the happiest with me right now, but you need to trust me. I know you're feeling the effect of the moon already; I am, too. But I learned to control it, and the same person is going to help you."

At those words, the angered look slowly started to fade off the boy's face. He knew he had to trust Scott and push aside whatever emotions he was feeling towards him at the moment; anger, jealousy...a bit of both.

King slowly turned to face the alpha werewolf that stood next to him. "Who is it?"


"Hell no." The Stilinski said as soon as he entered the loft. Scott had brought him over to be with the one person in town he didn't trust. Derek Hale stood before the two teenagers, his arms crossed over his chest as he wore his signature blank look.

"He can help you." Scott said, trying to reason with the boy, who looked as though he was about to lash out. "Just trust me on this."

King looked at the tanned boy with a dumbfounded expression. "Are we just going to forget that this is the guy that was convicted of murder?" He asked, gesturing over to the older werewolf.

"Yeah, that would've been Scott's own fault." Derek said in a monotone voice.

"And why should I believe anything you say? Huh? Why should I stay here with a guy that could easily kill me?" The younger boy asked, looking between the two. "What do I look like? An idiot?"

"Actually, you look more like a lost puppy." The Hale commented. Unsure what came over him, King's head snapped towards him and a deep growl sounded out of his throat, causing the older boy to smirk and raise his eyebrows. "Oh, an angry puppy."

"Listen," Scott spoke up, hoping to defuse the tension between the two and drawing the attention of the sixteen year old. "It's only going to get harder from here...but we can help you. He can help you." He paused as he studied the face of the boy in front of him. "You just have to let us."

On the one hand, he didn't trust the man that was supposed to help him. He really only trusted Scott at this point; he was the only one of them who hasn't lied to his face. Well, he did, but at least he told him. Everyone else doesn't seem to be even thinking about letting him in on the loop.

But on the other hand, he knew that the only people that could help him, truly help him, were standing here in this room. And one of them just so happens to be Derek Hale.

Sighing, King looked over at the tan boy and nodded. A small smile started to spread across Scott's face, but the other boy was quick to hold up a finger to stop him. "This does not mean I trust him in the slightest."

"You'll feel differently when you make it through this full moon." Derek said smugly.

The curly haired boy rolled his eyes. "We'll see, won't we?"


Roughly an hour had passed since the two teenagers arrived and, in that time, Scott had left the two werewolves so he could go deal with Liam. Maybe that explains how exactly King became chained up to a stone pillar inside of Derek's loft apartment.

"How exactly do these help?" The boy said through deep breaths. As the day started to bleed into night, the pain that the Stilinski had felt throughout the day intensified. It was like someone had a campfire that they kept pushing closer and closer to the boy.

"Ask me again in ten minutes when you're wanting to rip my head off." Derek snarked from where he sat on the plush couch, reclining back with a book open in his hands.

"Glad you're enjoying this." The boy let out another groan of pain, the burning feeling intensifying more by the second. Before the older boy could answer, an alarm-type noise sounded throughout the loft. In an instant, King was down on his knees, holding his hands over his ears as it felt like someone was blowing a foghorn in his ears. "Make it stop." He groaned, hollering at Derek.

"Relax." He said, slapping his book down on the table as he got to his feet. "It's the door. Peter is probably back."

As the noise subsided, the brunette boy looked up, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to get through the pain. "Who the hell is Peter?" He curled up on himself as another wave of pain shot through his body. His head rested down on the cold floor, followed shortly by something that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Well, who is this little pup?" A snarky voice said as the front door slid open. A steady heartbeat came to King's ears as gentle footsteps entered the loft. There was a certain smell that came to the young werewolf's nose, one he recognized from both Scott and Derek. This new man was a werewolf, too.

The Stilinski couldn't help but look up and release a low growl at the man, who he assumed was Peter. He could feel his newly grown claws digging into the floor as he yanked harshly on the chains binding him, wanting nothing more than to discover these new abilities further.

"Down, boy." Peter teased, staying just out of reach of the werewolf. The man crouched down slightly, as if he was going to lecture a small child. "Sit." Seeing the boy's eyes glaring at him, he chuckled. "Something's wrong with your glow sticks there, young pup."

Ignoring his comment, King snapped his jaws at the man, causing him to smirk to himself as he stood back up. The boy didn't ease up as he started yanking desperately on the chains. Rolling his eyes, Peter let out a sharp whistle, causing the brunette boy to groan loudly and hold his ears, falling down to the ground.

"Good, boy." He heard the man tease him after his pain had subsided, earning another growl as he walked towards Derek. "Who's the pup?"

"Scott's new beta." He said to the new man before he turned to face the teenager. "King, this is my uncle, Peter Hale. Peter, this is Kingston Stilinski."

"Stilinski?" He questioned before facing the beta again. "Stiles' brother?" When the kid nodded, a light chuckle escaped his lips. "Sucks to be you."

King rolled his eyes, which flickered from Peter to his nephew. "Can I kill him?" He heavily breathed out, his voice deep through his now fanged teeth.

"We tried." Derek said in a serious tone. "He came back." The man moved towards the door next. "Listen, I have to go meet the sheriff, but Peter here is going to take great care of you."

The boy's angered expression fell as he watched Derek moving out of the loft. "What? No, you can't leave me with him. Derek...I barely trust you. Don't leave me with your psychotic uncle!" His last words hit deaf ears as the front door closed, causing the boy to let out a low growl.

His green eyes wandered over to Peter, who stood above the boy wearing a sly smirk. The man held a finger out in a commanding sort of way. "Stay." He said as if he were talking to a dog. King just glared up at the man, letting a snarl through his teeth. "Good boy." With that said, the man turned and, unexpectedly, followed Derek out the door.

The teenager just stared at the front door with a slack expression, not quite sure what to do. "Wow." He said after a while. "Thanks for your help, guys."

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