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Kingston couldn't wrap his head around the entire situation. It was all crazy to him. Way to crazy to be true, right? Right? His green eyes lifted up and met onto the brown ones of Scott McCall, the alpha werewolf. His alpha.

"This is..." The younger boy said softly, trying to gather his spinning thoughts. "Insane." A dumbfounded look replaced his look of confusion. "There's no way that any of what you just told me is true. Come on, Scott. Werewolves? Wendigos? Banshees? You really expect me to believe all of this?"

The tan boy sighed softly, a completely serious look on his face. "I know it's hard to believe; it was for me in the beginning, too. But you have to trust me on this."

"Where's Stiles, then?" He asked quickly, his irritation growing at an alarming rate. If there was one thing that had always been true about the younger Stilinski, it was that he doesn't deal with people's bullshit. Not in the slightest. "You said he knows about all of this supernatural stuff...so why isn't he here?"

There was nothing but silence in the room after the words left King's mouth. Scott stayed silent, even while the younger boy was burning holes into his head, his glares not easing up even a little bit.

"He's-" The alpha started, trailing off slowly as he figured out what to say. After a few seconds of blank thoughts, he sighed. "He doesn't know...that I bit you. Not yet. And I think it's better if this stays between us for now. At least until we figure out if you're actually a werewolf."

"What do you mean by that?" King asked with furrowed brows. "You bit me, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but the bite can have different...outcomes." Scott said, leaving it very vague as to not scare the younger boy. "But it's going to be okay no matter what happens. I promise."

Not a second later, the older boy looked into the green eyes of his best friend's brother, his chocolate brown orbs now glowing a vibrant red. The irritated look slowly fell off of King's face, leaving him staring at the boy, dumbfounded. Maybe this all wasn't as crazy as he thought.


Scott left after a while, claiming he was meeting the other Stilinski at his house to talk about some recent events, which left the younger brother sitting in his hospital room. Alone. He just laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to wrap his mind around everything.

He was bit...by a werewolf. Under any other circumstances, he would have laughed at a the thought, but he now knew everything to be true. As crazy as it sounded, nothing else seemed to make sense.

His green eyes traveled down to his forearm, where a faint, crescent shaped scar was seen. He lifted his arm and turned it around in the light, seeing how it exactly resembled a bite mark. Sighing, he let his arm fall back down to his side as he watched the clock on the wall tick away the minutes. It was a few hours when the door opened and a familiar nurse stepped through the door.

"How are you feeling, King?" Melissa asked as she approached the monitors, checking over the boy's vitals.

He shrugged. "Alright, I suppose."

She nodded and cast a glance back at the door before she moved to stand by his bandaged side. "Scott told me to take a look at this." The woman said, indicating the three long gashes going halfway down his chest. "See how it's healing."

As she started to remove the bandages, Kingston looked over at her with slightly furrowed brows. "You know? About the supernatural?"

Melissa nodded. "Your dad does, too. He's on the roof right now with Derek, checking over the scene."

"Does...does he know about me?" He asked nervously as he watched the nurse do her work.

"No." She said as she shook her head. "No, Scott thinks that things should stay pretty quiet until we know for sure what's going on. Think you can do that?"

The sixteen year old nodded as the nurse lifted off the bandages, revealing the healed marks, now just three long scars adorning his paled skin. He could feel the knots forming in his stomach as he looked at what once were lethal scratches on his body, now nothing but marks he would carrying with him.

"This is all real, isn't it?" King asked the woman softly, looking up to meet her soft gaze.

Slowly and hesitantly, she nodded. "I'm afriad so, kid." Melissa sighed. "I'm afraid so."

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