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"Dehydration?" The sheriff said to his son as he signed the release forms. With the help of Melissa, the boy was able to keep his injury a secret from the older man, the papers now claiming he had passed out from lack of nutrients. "Really, King? You can't take better care of yourself? Do you know how worried I was when I heard you were in here?"

The brunette boy shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'm sorry."

Seeing his son looking so timid, the man sighed and clapped a hand onto the boy's shoulder, guiding him out of the hospital. "It's alright. I'm sorry I was being a little harsh; it's been a long day."

"You and me both." Kingston said as his dad led him to his cruiser. The two Stilinski's hopped in before they pulled out of the hospital parking lot, heading back to their house.

As the two drove down the main road, the younger of the two rested his head against the window, trying to ignore the pounding of his head. It was like everything was right next to him; he swore he could hear the crunching of the gravel beneath the car's tires.

"Hey," Noah said as he reached over, laying a hand on his son's arm. The action cause the younger boy to jump out of his seat and face him. "Hey, relax. It's just me." There was a pause as he looked back to the road. "You okay?"

Kingston nodded slowly. "Yeah. I'm fine." He said, closing his eyes and trying to will away the pain he felt in his head. "Just tired."

The rest of the car ride was made in silence between the two. As soon as they pulled up to the familiar house, the sixteen year old hopped out and rushed into the house, going straight up to his bedroom. He just barely made it under the covers when a knock came at his door.

Groaning, the boy rolled over and buried his face into his pillow. "Who is it?" He said, though his voice was muffled. He heard the door open a second later.

"Man, did you get hit by a truck?" Stiles' voice came through the room, followed by his footsteps over to the desk. When King looked up, he saw his brother sitting in his chair, leaning back as he looked at the younger boy.

"I feel like it." The curly haired boy admitted as he slowly sat up, running a hand down his face. "My head is pounding."

"Dehydration can do that to you." The older of the two snarked with a small smirk on his face, causing the other to roll his eyes. "I leave you for an hour and you pass out in the hospital hallway."

Kingston smirked and shrugged. "Sounds like me."

"It's sounds like me." He said, causing the two brothers to laugh lightly. The Stiles looked over at his younger brother, who was laying down with his back against his mattress again. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."


As soon as he stepped on school grounds, Kingston was hounded by his two friends, causing him to groan; it seemed to be all King had been doing lately. His headache from last night didn't seem to go away, and his only suspicion is that it had something to do with what Scott had told him yesterday.

But today was worse. Today, he not only had a worse pain in his head, but his body seemed to add sore eyes to the bundle. To say that today wasn't a good day for King would be an understatement; he was having one of his worse days ever and school hadn't even started.

"You alright?" Sebastian's voice brought the brunette boy out of his thoughtful daze, causing him to tune and face his friend.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He replied stiffly.

Gabe furrowed his brows. "You sure? You seem kind of...out of it."

"I'm fine, alright?!" King said, his voice raising as he harshly spit out the words. His tone caused the two other boys to stop in their tracks, but the Stilinski didn't. He just marched his way into the school, not acknowledging the knowing look he could feel Scott giving him.

The curly haired boy was walking towards the locker room to drop off his lacrosse gear when a familiar blonde burst in through the doors on the other side of the hallway. He looked around frantically, constantly checking behind him as he hurried down the hall towards him.

"Hey," King said, reaching out to get Liam's attention. He stopped as he saw the older boy, some of his panic seeming to fade away. "What's going on? You okay?"

Before the blonde boy could answer, the doors he just came in burst open and Scott came into the hallway, quickly approaching the two of them. The youngest of the boys tried to make a run for it, but Stiles suddenly appeared from around the corner.

"Liam, hey!" He shouted when he saw the freshman.

Scott came up to them next. "We need to talk."

Kingston watched with confusion as Liam snapped. "No, you need to back the hell up, okay?" He said, his arms stretched out as he pointed to the two juniors. "Both of you."

"Liam..." Scott said, gaining the attention of the blonde. "We're brothers now."

Both of the Stilinski brothers recoiled at what the alpha had said, Stiles being the one to comment. "Oh, god, that's..."

"What are you talking about?" The freshman snapped. "We just met and you bit me."

King suddenly took a nervous glance towards his older brother, but he seemed to be too distracted by the little ball of anger that was Liam Dunbar.

The tan boy awkwardly shifted in his feet, taking a short breath. "The bite...the bite is a gift." He said, seeming to force out the words.

So, that's what had happened that night. Before King passed out, he remembered the shrill scream that Liam had let out. The alpha had bitten him, too.

"Scott, stop." Stiles begged as he moved to stand beside his best friend. "Please, stop." He quickly turned to the blonde boy before them, pointing his finger as his uncomfortable look turned quickly to one of irritation. "You! We're trying to help you, you little runt."

"By kidnapping me?" Liam snapped at the two of them.

His words caused King's eyes to widen as he faced the two juniors. "You kidnapped him?!"

Stiles seemed to brush off the presence of his brother in general. "Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. I just...aided and abetted."

"Liam," Scott spoke up, keeping his voice soft. "I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you..." The older boy's eyes lifted up and locked onto King's green ones. "Something big."

For some unknown reason, a rush of irritation and anger came over the younger Stilinski, causing him to furrow his brows at the tan boy. Maybe it was the fact that Liam got all this protection and worry while all King got was 'hey you're a werewolf, don't tell your family'.

"Whatever you say, Scott." The brunette snapped at the older boy, causing Stiles to give the boy a look of surprise. "He said to stay the fuck away, so stay away. Come on." The curly haired boy rested a hand on his friend's shoulder, steering him away from the group.

They didn't make it to the end of the hall before Liam stopped in his tracks and spun around. "And, for the record, nothing's happening to me." He yanked a bandage he had on his wrist off, showing absolutely nothing underneath of it. "Nothing." With that said, the two boys stormed off.

Stiles was staring dumbfounded, confused on the entire interaction that had just happened. "Uh..." He said after a few moments of silence. "Was that my brother?"

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