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The Stilinski and Dunbar boys returned to the players bench, the latter still glaring at the boy on the opposing team. King just sat down on the bench and started lacing up his shoes.

"You know," He spoke up, catching the blonde's attention. "Staring at him isn't gonna magically make him catch on fire." The boy paused and looked up at the younger with a thoughtful look. "Though, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that happened."

Liam sighed softly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I just..." He trailed off.

"Hey, I get it." The brunette boy said as he stood, placing a comforting hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "You hate the guy. Nothing wrong with that. Just...just cut back on the staring, okay?"

Seeing his teasing smile, the freshman gave him a small smile in return and nodded. "Okay."

Before either boy could move a step, Brett's voice echoed throughout the field. "Hey, Liam! Think fast!" A second later, the lacrosse ball was soaring through the air towards the two boys. Liam's hand snapped up and caught the ball out of mid-air in an instant.

"Oh, he plays." He could hear the coach say, turning back to Scott. With that, he blew the whistle and the players took the field, their coach clapping behind them. "There you go, Liam! Liam...Stilinski...other Stilinski...McCall!"

As he took his place on the field, King gave an encouraging nod to his blonde friend before slipping on his helmet and crouching down into his position. The whistle blew and everyone took action, the game beginning.

And what a game it was. Beacon Hills was getting crushed, absolutely crushed, by Devenford. Not to mention that the players knocked Liam off his feet at any chance they got, only resulting in more and more anger rising in the boy.

Kingston watched knowingly as two opposing players rammed into each of the freshman's shoulders, shoving him to the ground. Hearing the growl from where he stood on the opposite end of the field, the Stilinski made it to the blonde just in time to jump between him and the two other boys, holding his friend back.

"Liam!" Scott scolded, him and his best friend helping hold his beta back as he huffed with rage.

Once the boy was calm enough, Scott and Stiles left the two younger boys. The older of the two looked sternly down at the other. "Keep it together, alright? Don't let them get to you." Liam didn't answer and just glared at Brett. "Liam."

This caught his attention and, as his eyes met the green ones of the sophomore boy, he calmed down a little bit. He didn't know why, but just looking at King helped him control his inner wolf. As if his gaze was anchoring him back to his human self.

"There ya go." The curly haired boy said, smiling from behind his helmet as he pat his friend on the shoulder and ran back to his position.

The game continued on with Beacon Hills only making a single goal, thanks to Kira. Unfortunately, this resulted in her getting benched, which really got on a lot of the players' nerves.

Kingston was running full speed behind Liam, who had the ball in his net. He wasn't quite sure what happened, but all he knew is that he was being rammed to the ground by someone he couldn't make out. He heard a sickening crack, but he wasn't sure who it was from.

A pain burned throughout his back, feeling almost as bad as the slash from the wendigo. He whined softly, groaning as he tried to sit up, but to no avail. He turned his head and saw the coaches and players running onto the field, the Devenford players running over to Brett, who was on the ground in pain. The Stilinski boy was suddenly surrounded by other players and Coach Finstock, who were trying to look over the boy.

"Hey, King," The teacher said worriedly. "You alright? Can you stand?"

The boy was panting, the blooming pain seeming to bring pressure to his chest. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He felt two players grab his hands and King tried to lift himself up, but he just let out a loud groan of pain and sank back to his knees.

Scott and Liam were by his side in an instant, putting the beta's arms around their shoulders and helping him to his feet, the boy feeling the pain getting more intense. He heard the older boy say something to the coach before the two started dragging the sixteen year old off the field.

"Are you cut?" The alpha said softly to his second beta, whose face was contorted into one of pain. "Did Garrett cut you?"

"I don't..." He said, shaking his head slightly, his body feeling like it was on fire. "I don't know. My back is...is burning." He growled out.

Scott hurried up his pace, causing Liam to do the same as they rushed the boy to the parking lot, setting him down next to his black camaro. As soon as King was on the ground, he rolled to his side slightly and coughed, his throat dry as a faint yellow liquid came out.

"Liam, you need to get him to the vet." The tanned boy said suddenly. Seeing the confused look the freshman gave him, he elaborated. "I'm serious. There's someone there that can help him. You need to hurry." He turned to King next. "Hey, where are your keys?"

The brunette had sat back up, leaning back against the car door as the sweat pooled on his forehead. "On...on the floorboard." He said between shallow breaths, the pressure on his chest keeping him from taking deeper ones. "Driver's side."

Scott nodded, opening the driver's door and grabbing the keys, and shoved them into Liam's hands. "The vet's office. Got it?"

Liam, whose eyes were widened in fear, nodded quickly. Without any hesitation, the alpha took off, leaving the two boy's alone. He took a deep breath and spun to face Kingston, whose health seemed to be declining by the second. Putting his arm around his shoulder's again, he readied himself.

"Give me all you got, alright?" The freshman asked, earning a blink of understanding from the other boy. A second later, they were both on their feet and moving to the other side of the car. As soon as the door was open, King collapsed onto the passenger's seat.

Liam clamored around to the driver's side, not bothering to adjust the seat or anything before he started the car.

"You...you know how to drive, right?" King asked through ragged breaths, not able to see over the dashboard from how he was sat, leaning back.

"Uhh...sorta." The blonde said nervously.

The sophomore let out a heavy sigh. "If you...crash my Camaro, Dunbar...I will...kill you." He said before his felt himself slip into a state of unconsciousness.

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