𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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The entire time in the basement was a blur for King, but soon enough, they found that vault entrance, hidden behind an old shelf. Well, Stiles did. "Look at the cracks in the wall. It's like the entrance outside." The spastic boy told them. "It only opens with claws; anyone's claws, right?"

Scott seemed unsure about what he was going to say next, slowly turning to the werecoyote. "Malia, can you try?"

"Why me?" She asked, furrowing her brows at the suggestion.

The alpha just held up his hand. "I don't have control." He said with a shrug.

"What about King?"

"King is..." The tanned boy trailed off as he turned to look at the younger boy, who just gave his alpha a cheeky, toothy smile, his pointed canines on display.

Stiles, too having seen the smile he gave, finished his best friend's sentence. "Lethal." The word caused the sophomore boy to give the older boy a look of offense, but he soon dropped it, knowing his brother was probably right.

A few moments of silence passed between the group before the girl sighed. "Okay. I'll do it." She said, and they watched as relief washed over the two senior boys. "But, first, tell me what you've been hiding from me."

The panic returned to both of their eyes as they seemed dumbfounded at Malia's words. Scott and Stiles exchanged looks before looking back at the girl, who stood with an unwavering stare before them.

"I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it." She said in defense, pausing to see if either boy would answer. When they didn't, she spoke again. "I know I'm on the list!"

Once again, King saw as the fear washed off both of the boys' faces as Stiles nodded slowly. He glanced at Scott before turning back to his girlfriend. "Yes..."

Malia's face seemed to relax from its slight tensed state. "So, how much?"

"How much what?"

"How much am I worth?"

Scott sighed softly. "Four million."

At his words, the werecoyote glanced down at the floor, her face neutral as she thought. No one spoke, at least not for a few moments.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked quietly, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah." The girl said, meeting her boyfriend's eyes, her face surprisingly free of any fear or sadness. "Scott's worth twenty-five, Kira's worth six." She looked to the younger Stilinski. "How much are you?"

He thought for a second before shrugging as he remembered the number Lydia had told him. "Five million."

"See," She said, looking back to the senior boys. "They'll take any of you out way before me." With that said, she stepped up to the wall.

Stiles pressed his lips together, turning to face the alpha. "That's progress." He said quietly. "That's progress."

The group all watched as the girl slowly slid her nails into the wall. A faint green glow surrounded them as Malia twisted it like a lock before pushing it in. She removed her hand as a soft rumble was heard throughout the room, the wall sliding open to reveal the vault beyond.


"It was seriously, like, wicked cool." Mason said happily, walking beside his best friend as the two made their way towards town. "You would have loved it."

Though he hummed in agreement, Liam hadn't really heard what the boy had told him. He was too busy staring at his phone screen, the text conversation he had had with a certain sophomore boy pulled up.

King: ughhhh I really hate maylor

King: it's seven thirty in the morning I should still
be sleeping

Liam: im sorry but it was your idea to sneak away

King: shhhhh don't remind me

Liam: it is tho

King: whatever kid

King: I gotta go ill text you after

Despite what the message had said, the younger werewolf hadn't heard anything since then. He wasn't worried at first, but considering it was approaching one in the afternoon, he couldn't help but panic.

"And you weren't listening." The colored boy sighed as he glanced over at his friend.

Liam quickly locked his phone and stuffed it into his front pocket, looking to the other boy. "Yes, I was."

"Then what did I just say?" He challenges with raised brows and, seeing the blonde's eyes widen slightly, shook his head. "You're distracted. What's going on?"

By now, the two had stopped walking, standing in front of one another in the middle of the concrete sidewalk. The beta let out a long sigh and looked anywhere but in his friend's eyes.

"I haven't heard from King since this morning." He explained. "I'm just worried."

"Well, that isn't anything to really be-"

"He should have answered back by ten, but he hasn't." Liam explained to him. "Now, I may sound paranoid but he never leaves me hanging like this. He just doesn't."

Mason nodded absentmindedly as he glanced over the boy's shoulder, his brows furrowing at what he saw. "You said King was at the school today?"

"Yeah, he had detention. Why?"

"Cause I think there's reason to be paranoid." He replied, pointing to the scene.

Turning around in confusion, Liam's eyes widened in both shock and fear as he saw the dozens of deputies and crowds surrounding the high school. But what worried him more was the van labeled 'CDC' parked in the lot.

Without another word, the boy rushed over to the scene, leaving Mason behind. He started shoving his way through the spectators, making his way to the front. Liam's eyes quickly scanned the crowd, hoping to find any familiar face. And that came in the form of a small, strawberry blonde girl.

"Lydia!" He called out, moving to take a step forwards when a deputy placed a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. "Lydia!"

The girl, along with the sheriff that stood beside her, turned at the sound of her name being called. Upon seeing the boy, she muttered something to Noah. "Let him through!"

Hearing his order, the man stepped back and allowed Liam to duck under the police tape, running over to the pair. "What's going on?"

"Quarantine." The older man told him, letting out a soft sigh. "That's all I really know."

"And where's King?" The blonde boy asked frantically. "Scott? Stiles?"

Lydia was the one to speak next. "Inside. We've tried calling them but the signal is being jammed."

The young werewolf's blue, worried eyes cast a glance at the brick building, which was sectioned off with more police tape and surrounded by CDC doctors.

"But, I have this feeling." The girl muttered, knowing Liam was the only one who could hear her. "And it's not a good one."

"You mean..." He said, trailing off.

She nodded, turning to look at the younger boy. "Someone is going to die." Her eyes moved slowly to look at the school. "But I don't know who."

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