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The first conscious thing he could hear was a beeping noise. The sound was steady, as if it was on a rhythm. One after another in a timely fashion. It was the only sound that he was aware of.

Slowly, King peeled his eyes open and was met immediately with a bright fluorescent light, making him screw his eyes shut once more. Preparing himself this time, he opened his eyes again, letting his green orbs adjust to the light as he blinked away the darkness. He was he was in a hospital room, hooked up to the beeping machine and some sort of IV giving him what appeared to be a blood transfusion.

The boy felt a sudden wave of exhaustion hit him, despite have just woken up after who knows how long. He glanced over to his right and saw a tray with a glass of water sitting on the table. Taking a deep breath, he willed his arm to reach out and grab it but a sudden pain shot though it, reminding the boy what had happened.

Sighing, he laid his head back against his plush pillows. "Nurse." The boy groaned out, hoping they would hear him, but knowing they probably wouldn't. "Nurse. Somebody."

It was only a few seconds later that the door clicked open, but it wasn't who he expected. To King's surprise, Scott McCall stepped in the door, his look of worry fading away as he saw the boy, alive and awake.

"Hey, you're up." The tan boy said as he made his way into the room, the door closing behind him as he made his way to the side of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

The brunette scoffed softly. "Do I even have to answer that?" He said with a small smirk, making Scott calm down more, seeing as he was still his joking self. "How long was I out?"

"Just through the night." The older boy assured. "About twelve hours maybe."

"And...what exactly happened?" He said with a bit of sass as his eyes looked onto Scott's. King watched as a bunch of different emotions passed on the junior's face, causing the younger to furrow his brows. "Scott?"

The tan boy finally let out a long sigh. "Before I tell you, I want to check something. Ok?" He asked slowly, his tone hoping to give some reassurance to the sixteen year old, who nodded.

Scott reached over and opened the few buttons of the shoulder of the curly haired boy's hospital gown, earning a confused look in return. He ignored it and pulled the cloth down and away from his bandaged shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he started to remove the gauze covering the wound.

"What the hell are you doing?" King asked, reaching up to push him away.

"Just trust me." Scott said quickly, his brown puppy dog eyes locking onto the green ones of his best friend's brother. "I'll have my mom rewrap it, but you have to trust me."

The Stilinski down had no idea why the boy was acting this way. He had no idea what he was thinking he was going to find besides a bloody mess. But, regardless, King nodded, seeing the urgency and worry clouding in the older boy's eyes.

Scott's heart was pounding rapidly in his chest. He hadn't been this nervous since he saw the Stilinski boy laying unconscious on the roof the night prior, his own blood in a puddle beneath him. He didn't know what else to do. He had no choice. At the time, it seemed like the only choice. But now that it was done and over with, he couldn't help but feel bad. He may have just saved the boy's life to have him die because of him. And knowing he had been the cause of his best friend's little, and only, brother's death....he couldn't handle that.

The tan boy slowly lifted up the bandages. The breath he was holding in finally came out as he saw the deep gashes on the younger boy's shoulder were no more than mere scratches that would be gone within the day.

King, too, saw his basically healed shoulder and his eyes widened to the size of saucers as he faced the older boy. "Do you want to explain to me what the hell is happening?"

The tanned boy nodded sheepishly and started covering the small wound, buttoning back up the gown and moving to sit in the chair set up by his bed. There was nothing but silence between the two as they shared quick glances; King's a questioning one while Scott seemed to be deep in thought.

"Now," The older boy spoke up after minutes of nothing being said. "There's no easy way to put this, but just trust me, alright?"

"I do." King said in a soft tone. "Just...just tell me what going on."

Scott let out a slow and soft breath. "Let's just say there's a lot you don't know about Beacon Hills."

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