Barrier 2

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Mark's POV

"Oh yeah, I knew it!" North exclaimed and he even raised his arms in joy. "You're the one girls scream for every time you go to school!" he continued.

I shrugged. "Well to be fair, girls scream and shriek for everyone in this room right now," I answered nonchalantly.

"Wait I remember, you always go to school with bodyguards right? So there's like two more cars following you every time you enter school," North's boyfriend, Ran, joined the conversation.

"Yeah," I answered and pointed to the door where you can see my bodyguards standing outside. "Their they are," I continued.

The VIP room is equipped with its own bar counter and restroom so we won't need to go down and get our drinks. I went to the counter and ordered a variety of alcohol. It didn't take long for it to be served. I got the try containing our drinks and went back to the couch.

The sofas forms a U-shape with North and Ram were flirting with each other while sitting on the left side. Bar and Vee are sitting on the middle. I sat down beside Kan with Vee on my other side. I placed the drinks down on the table in front of us and got a glass. We all got our own glasses and raised them up. "Cheers!" Kan cheerfully said.

We all gulped down our glasses. "Ahh..." I instantly reacted as I felt the familiar hot feeling of the alcohol sliding through my throat. Its been more than a week since I last drank so I missed this.

"Why do you need bodyguards?" Vee who was beside me suddenly asked curiously.

I looked at him. "Its a long story," I answered shortly.

He smiled. "Well, we definitely have the whole night," he said.

"Maybe some other time," I murmured. I don't want to talk about it. Its something I've done my best to forget so I don't want to just blurt it out to someone. Besides, we're not even close enough for me to tell stories about my past. We've literally just known each other today.

He shrugged. "Well, I guess its not really your thing to talk to people and tell stories," he knowingly said.

I looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"That's why your name's Ice right? Everybody in school practically knows you and your name. You're deemed as cold blooded and ice cold because you rarely talk to anyone and show your emotions," he answered.

I turned to his side. "Is that what people in school say about me?" I asked. I was actually very intrigued in what he's saying. Kan is my only friend in school and we don't talk about things like this. I know he knows a lot of what people say about me because I also hear them sometimes but I think Kan doesn't want to tell it to me because it might hurt my feelings or something. "Tell me more," I continued.

"Well, people say you're harsh. Like you straight up reject and deny every girl who ever tried to pursue you. You also don't talk unless you need to, well Kan is an exception," he started. He leaned in closer as he was telling me about my rumors. "Some say that you're involved in drugs or illegal stuff which explains the bodyguards but most of the people don' believe it though," he continued.

I almost laughed at what he said. "Well, most of it is true," I said.

"Which is true and which is not?" he asked.

"Everything was true except the drug and illegal things. They're making it sound like I'm straight from a book or a movie. Good thing they don't say I'm a vampire or something," I sarcastically said.

He looked at me. "How did you know some people think that?" he asked with wide eyes.

I laughed at his reaction. Seriously, who am I? Edward Cullen? "They're delusional," I said in between chuckles. I looked at him. "Don't tell me you believed those things," I accused him.

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