Barrier 16

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Mark's POV

"Do you really have to invite him?" Vee asked me for the nth time today as I entered his car. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance as I sat down on the passenger seat of his black Porsche Boxster that he recently got from his grandparents.

"Serious Vee? You've been annoying me with that for more than a week already," I told him as I wore my seat belt. "Annoy me with that topic once again and I'll seriously not let you join the vacation," I threatened him.

He's been irritating me with his disagreement on me inviting Mean to our vacation. I don't see anything wrong with it though since my mom clearly told me to invite everyone I wanted to join. Mean is my friend too and I don't see anything wrong with him being on the vacation with us.

Vee on the other hand was clearly opposed to the idea. "But Mark, all I want is for you to focus on me. When he's joining us, your attention to me will definitely be lessened," he retaliated as he kept on giving me different selfish reasons as to why I shouldn't invite him.

I glared at him. "Ugh, just ride the damn car by yourself. I'm just gonna ride with Kan," I announced. He's been getting on my nerves ever since I decided to invite Mean and I really just don't get his point. Well, I get that he's just jealous or possessive or whatever you want to call it but I just really want to be fair to the both of them. I just want to open my doors for the two of them.

I quickly opened the door and I was about to leave his car when he suddenly stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Okay fine! I'm sorry. I'm not going to talk about it anymore," he said in defeat just so that I would not leave him.

I closed the door and wore my seat belt once again. "Good," I said. I pressed the bluetooth option on the screen of his car and connected my phone. I chose a song and just shuffled my playlist.

He looked at me and tried to look pitiful by pouting. "You're so mean to me," he said.

"I'm not mean to you Vee," I answered as I looked at my phone. We're just about to leave to go to the island but I'm already too tired because of the continuous argument with Vee.

I thought we were already done with our argument earlier but he still found the opportunity to go back to our topic earlier. "You you are," he continued to accuse me. "If not, you shouldn't have invited him in the first place," he said.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Seriously Vee, how selfish could you be?" I asked him seriously. "So, what do you want me to do? Take back my invitation. Everyone's here already and we're all about to leave," I told him in an 'obviously' tone.

"I'm not selfish Mark," he answered back.

I closed my eyes due to the frustration I'm feeling. "You know what? I don't even know why I'm explaining it to you. I'll just shut up. No matter what I say, you're not going to listen anyways," I said in defeat. I'm already tired of explaining something that he doesn't want to accept and listen to in the first place.

"Its not like that—-"

"Just drive Vee. I want to sleep," I cut him off right away. I leaned my back on the sofa and didn't even bother opening my eyes. I need to sleep. The quarter exams just finished yesterday and I've been sleeping late the past few days and an argument like this is just making my head hurt.

"Okay..." I heard him say softly. After so, I just felt the car drive off.

We're all headed to the port since we'll be needing to use a boat to go to the island and of course, we'll all be leaving our cars. We won't have a problem with transportation once we get to the island though, since my dad left some of his cars there and we could just use them.

Breaking Barriers | VeeMarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon