Barrier 3

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Mark's POV

I woke up because of the loud sound coming from the alarm of my phone. I wanted to sit up but I quickly felt a sharp pain in my head which made me lie down and close my eyes again. "Ahh... shit," I exclaimed.

I continued to close my eyes to relax and let the pain I'm feeling die down a little. I breathed in and out slowly to help ease my head ache. I stayed lying down for a few more minutes until the pain slowly subsided. I opened my eyes and looked at the time on my phone.

I stood up and went to the bathroom right away since I stayed up in my bed for too long. I stripped off my clothes and took my time taking a bath, the warm water helping me from my hangover. After so, I dried up myself using the towel and changed through my uniform. After brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I am ready to go.

I went down and went directly to the dining room where I saw my parents already seated on their respective seats. My mom saw me and instantly smiled. "Good morning son!" she cheerfully greeted.

"Morning," I answered shortly. I sat down on my place while the maid served me my food. It was congee. I held my head as I felt my head ache once again.

My mom lightly smacked my shoulder which made me look at her. "You shouldn't have drank too much alcohol last night." she scolded me. "Your bodyguards reported that you were so drunk last night that they had to carry you outside of the club and up to your room," she continued which made me mentally roll my eyes. Freaking bodyguards and their nosy ass.

My dad on the other hand was busy reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee. He didn't bother scold me since he's fine with me drinking and getting drunk. He even brags sometimes that back on his younger years, he always gets drunk with his friends.

"I had too much fun with Kan last night 'cause its been a while since we drank," I reasoned out.

"Good thing I woke up early and your bodyguards told me this morning so I was able to ask the chef to cook congee for you. Eat, the congee will help woth your hangover," she said.

I just nodded and started eating. The congee helped with my headache as it always does. Whenever I have a bad case of hangover, my mom always asks the chef to cook congee for me. Its acts like my hangover medicine every time.

I finished the whole bowl quickly and stood up since I'm about to be late. "I'm gonna go to school now," I informed them.

"Okay, have fun and study well," my mom said. She stood up and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I just tapped my dad's shoulder and he just nodded.

I excused myself and went straight to the parking lot where I saw my all of my bodyguards standing straight and waiting for me. It was evident from the fit on their suits that they all have very strong and good body. They were all very tall also. I just rolled my eyes at them though since I was still annoyed that they ratted me out to my mom.

I just passed by them and went straight ahead. I stopped and looked at the cars in the parking lot to pick out what I'll use today. I smiled as I chose what to drive today. I got the keys from the maid and went inside the car. I'll use my Miami Blue Porsche 911 Turbo S today since I felt like using a bright colored car today.

I started the car and drove off to school. Good thing that there wasn't any traffic jam so I got to my school right away. I heard the usual screams from girls as soon as I went out fo the car. I ignored every one of them like I always do and went straight to my room.

The teacher for my first subject wasn't there yet but most of my classmates are always seated. I just walked in and sat on my place which was beside Kan who was already here. "Good morning Mark!" he said loudly as usual.

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