Barrier 9

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Mark's POV

Five days. Its been exactly five days since my argument with Vee and he hasn't spoke to me ever since. All of us including Vee and I continued eating on one table during lunch as if nothing happened. It was obvious though since he was ignoring me. I think the guys noticed it too because we're usually the ones who talk but now, we're not.

I shouldn't be the one doing this but I also tried to talk and reconcile with him but he either ignores me or pushes me away. This is the first time I've swallowed my pride and been this low for something I was right about but I'm ready to be if it means that Vee and I will go back to normal.

I'm currently at the canteen right now with Kan. The other were not yet here since our class just got dismissed early for lunch. Kan nudged me while we were waiting for our turn to order. I looked at him. "I can feel the tension between you and Vee. What happened?" he worriedly asked.

"We had an argument," I answered softly.

"An argument?" he confusedly said.

"He got mad at me with what I did to Ploy a few days ago. He insisted that I was the one wrong and that I shouldn't have humiliated her in front of everyone," I explained.

"Why though? It was obviously Ploy's fault. Everyone knows that. Everyone saw how she was the one who attacked you first. You were just getting back at her," he said.

"He knows, but he still took her side. He even called me fake and said that our friendship doesn't matter to him," I answered. I smiled bitterly. "Its funny since I'm actually trying to open up to him and I already considered him as my friend," I continued.

Kan knows how much I struggled to let people stay in my life. I either pushed them away or gave them a reason to hate me instead just so that I won't be friends with them which explains why Kan is my only friend until I met the rest of the guys. I had a hard time making friends, so considering Vee and the others as my friends is really a big deal for me.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why would he say that? He's the one you're closest to after me from the gang," he asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. The only thing I know is that he's choosing Ploy over me although she was the one wrong," I answered. I told the person at the cashier my order and paid for my meal. Kan followed after and we both got our meals.

We sat beside an empty table and placed down our foods. "Is he serious right now? There must be something wrong with his head," he asked in disbelief. I understand Kan's sentiments since I noticed that everyone in school took my side since they all saw what happened. I just don't know why Vee is acting this way when in fact, Ploy just played with him.

"Let's just let him be. He'll cool down soon. I'll just ask for his forgiveness," I said.

"What?" he reacted surprisedly. "You'll ask for his forgiveness? Why would you say sorry for something you were right about? I thought Vee was out of his mind but you're crazy Mark," he continued.

I felt the tension rise from him so I quickly held his arm to cool him down. "Just let me Kan. I know what I'm doing. I just figured that I should just take the initiative so it wouldn't be awkward for the group," I reasoned out.

He looked at me suspiciously. "Of all people Mark, you know that I'm the one you can't fool. I know you too well. You barely apologize for your little mistakes and you're telling me now that you're going to apologize to him? Especially when its not even your fault to begin with?" he answered back.

I sighed. Shit, Kan really knows me too well. "I just wanted a change Kan. I don't want anymore drama in my life so I'll just continue to say sorry to him to stop all of this," I obviously lied. I'm doing this because I like him and I don't want our friendship to just go down the drain.

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