Barrier 6

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Mark's POV

"Mr. Masa!" my adviser shouted at me while tapping on my shoulder which made me regain my consciousness. I didn't realize that I was already deep in thought. "Are you fine? I've been calling for your attention since earlier," she worriedly asked.

I absentmindedly nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'm good," I softly mumbled.

She checked my face. "Are you sure? Your face seems redder than usual," she asked once again just to double check. "You can go to the clinic first if you're not feeling well," she continued.

I went straight to my adviser's office right after I ran away from Vee and Ploy's scene earlier. I took the long route since I don't want to ruin their moment. I didn't see any reason for me to still stay there since its already obvious what will be Ploy's answer. I'll just hurt myself more if I continued to watch and listen to them.

I showed her a smile just to let her see that I'm fine even though I'm actually not. "Yes ma'am. I'm perfectly fine," I lied. I was just fighting the urge to not break down and cry right now since my tears are already threatening to fall down any minute. "Why did you ask me to go here?" I asked.

She checked on me for a few more seconds and looked back on her laptop. "I wanted to talk to you about an upcoming event that will be happening soon. There will be a pageant for all year levels. It will be by section and I've decided to choose you as the representatives for our section," she informed me.

My eyes went wide with what she said. I pointed at myself. "Wait. Are you even serious right now? Me?" I asked her just to confirm if I'm not hearing things or something. I was in a state of shock right now and I can't seem to think straight.

She nodded and smiled. "Yes, you. I decided to pick you as our section's representative," she repeated what she said earlier.

"What? Why me?" I asked in disbelief. I stood up in protest. "There's seriously a lot in our class that are more deserving and fitting as a representative for the pageant. There's Kan, who's far better than me," I suggested.

"I know that there are a lot of students to choose from in our section, but I really see something in you that I know can make us win the pageant," she explained.

"But ma'am, I'm really not fit for this. Pageants are not my thing," I complained. Everything I was saying was true, I'm not the 'smile and wave' type of guy. Besides from being an introvert, I have this resting bitch face that I'm not planning to remove just so I could win this shit. I really don't like smiling that much.

"It may not be your thing but I can clearly see potential in you Mr. Masa," she answered which made me raise my eyebrow in confusion. Potential? Since when did I have the potential to be a contestant in a pageant. Hell, I'm always sleeping in class. "Believe in yourself Mark," she continued.

I know to myself that I can do it since I always do well in things I really put my time and effort into. But its more of I don't want to. I have a lot of things in mind already and the last thing I'll need and want right now is more stress.

"But ma'am —-" I was supposed to complain more but she quickly cut me off.

"No more buts Mr. Masa. Everything's been decided already and I won't change my mind anymore. Besides, I've already submitted your name to the executive head of student activities so it can't be changed anymore," she said.

I mentally rolled my eyes. I literally wanted to curse her right now but I'm just stopping myself. I mean, what's the point of all this shit if I can't decline her offer? She didn't even ask me about the pageant and she's now just informing me that she signed me up for something I didn't even agreed on the first place.

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