Barrier 10

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Mark's POV

I pushed my food on the side and slumped my head on the table here in the cafeteria as I still remembered what happened yesterday. Its currently lunch time and Kan and I just sat down on an empty table after getting our food.

"What's your problem? It seems like you've been deep in though ever since the morning," Kan confusedly asked me as he looked at me.

"Tsk. Nothing," I obviously lied. I'm just really said about what happened yesterday. And that freaking pageant is just adding up to my frustrations.


"I have to go now. You're welcome," the woman who gave me the drink informed me with a smile on her face.

She was about to turn around but I quickly stopped her by holding her shoulder. "Wait," I said. She turned back at me. "Do you remember what he looks like? I mean, the man who gave this to you?" I asked. I don't know why I'm so intrigued but I just want to confirm if it really was Mr. Pink Milk who gave me this.

She was silent for about a minute since she was thinking. "He's tall. He has a white complexion and his smile is really bright. He's also very handsome," she explained. She looks like she was also daydreaming while she was telling me this.

Its confirmed. It really is him. Everything she said suits as how I remember Mr. Pink Milk. "Where did he give you this?" I asked once again.

She pointed at the main door of the auditorium. "There. He was outside and he just randomly called me. Then he asked me to give that drink to you," she answered.

"Thank you," I shortly answered and quickly ran to the entrance. I went out but no one was there anymore. I scanned the whole area but I didn't see a single silhouette of Mr. Pink Milk. "Where are you?" I mumbled to myself.

I personally don't know why I'm acting this way but all I know is that I want to see him again. I want to talk to him again. His words are full of wisdom that I'm in dire need right now. He could give me some advice. "Please show yourself," I whispered while panting.

I sighed deeply as I lost hope. He's really not here anymore. I disappointedly went back inside the auditorium. I just sat down on an empty chair. I looked at the drink I have in my hand and I instantly smiled as I saw again the note that was sticked on the drink. He was right. Pink milk can really make someone happy.

He's right. I shouldn't be disappointed and I should just smile. There will still be a lot of chances in the future for us to meet again. Maybe he thinks that its really not the right time for us to meet right now and I'll respect his wishes. I just drank the drink he gave me and my mood brightened as I tasted the familiar sweetness of the strawberry. This really suits my taste perfectly since I really like strawberries.

After the break, we resumed the practice. We practiced for the whole day until it was already dismissal time. I was so exhausted from all the walking and staying still. And the thought that there will be two more weeks of these is already making me want to throw up.

"Okay participants, thank you so much for your full cooperation for today. Now I'm gonna give you all an assignment. You all need to think of what talent are you going to perform on the pageant day. You would need to tell it to us on the next meeting so the organizers can prepare for it," she said.

Ugh, shit. This is a big problem. I don't really know what to perform. I mean, I do know how to sing and play some instruments but I don't particularity excel in it. And I'm also not that confident to perform in front of hundreds of people.

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