Barrier 23

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Mark's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I quickly noticed the white ceiling and the bright light shining down directly on my eyes which forced me close them. "He's awake guys. North call the doctor quick," Vee's voice was the first thing I heard which made me shut my eyes back open.

"Where am I?" I asked as I looked at him. He looked like a mess. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he haven't slept yet as dark circles surrounded the bottom of his eyes. He also looked like he'd been crying for a while now.

"You're at the hospital honey," my mom answered in between her sobs which made me turn to her. Dad was beside her and they both looked at me worriedly. "You've been unconscious for nine hours now," she said which made me taken aback.

I quickly remembered what happened to me. I got locked into the storage room since the door got locked from the outside. Memories of what happened in my past haunted me which is maybe why I passed out. But I didn't expect me to be unconscious for this long. Isn't that too much?

"Mom, stop crying," I told her since I don't want to see her cry because of me. "I'm fine now, don't worry," I said in order to calm her down. I looked at dad and meekly smiled at him to show him I'm fine and he just smiled back. I know though that he doesn't believe me that much. He knows something is wrong. My dad is very silent but he's also very observant.

Mom held my hand tightly as if she doesn't want to let go. "I'm sorry honey. I'm sorry if mommy wasn't there," she apologized sincerely. "I failed as a mother just like the last time," she continued as tears stream down her face.

I used my free hand to reach our to her face and wipe away her tears. "Shh... mom don't say that. You never failed as a mom. You're the best mom I could ask for. Past is past. Let's all bury it away from our minds," I told her sincerely. My mom has done everything she can just to make it up to me and I thank her for that.

"Its actually my fault," I turned to the owner of the voice. It was Kan. He was also crying as he looked at me. "I shouldn't have left you alone like that. I should've noticed that you were gone. I was too focused on the PE class that I forgot about you. I'm sorry Mark. I really am," he apologized sincerely.

"Can everyone stop with the 'its my fault' card? Its nobody's fault okay? It was just an accident and accidents happen often. So please, don't blame yourselves," I told everyone. I turned to Kan and gave him a assuring smile to calm him down. "Its not your fault okay?" I reminded him.

He nodded and smiled meekly. "Okay," he answered.

"How did I get here anyways?" I asked in order to change the topic. I don't want them all to keep on blaming themselves since I'm old enough to handle my own. I don't want them to keep on worrying for my safety just because of what happened before.

"The janitor found you lying unconsciously in the storage room when he was about to get something. He brought you to the clinic but the nurse said it will be better to bring you to the hospital. All of us went straight here after dismissal when we heard about what happened to you," Kan answered as he pointed at my friends who were seated on the sofa at my side.

They all smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "We're glad you're okay now. You had us so worried for you," Bar said.

I suddenly noticed that there was someone missing which made me sad and bothered. Mean isn't here. I just sighed deeply. I need to understand him right now. He needs space. I meekly smiled and waved my hands at North, Ram,and Bar. "Hey guys, thanks for visiting me here," I thanked them sincerely.

The door suddenly opened which got all of our attentions. It was the doctor and a nurse that walked into the room. "Good evening Mark," the doctor cheerfully greeted me as he smiled bright.

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