Barrier 29

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Mark's POV

"Baby, stay here so I can see you right away," Vee said as he made me sit down on the lowest part of the bleachers just right after the players' bench. Today is the first game of their most awaited tournament and its our home court. "I need to clearly see my inspiration when I play," he continued.

His words instantly made me blush so I had to lower my head a little. "Psh. Go back to the dugout now. I'm sure your team's already waiting for you," I said. Since he wanted me to sit near the playing field, he even purposely went out of the dugout just to make sure I follow him.

He nodded. His eyes suddenly stopped at my neck which made me turn to it. He was looking directly at my necklace. I've been wearing this necklace for more than ten years now. It was a gift from dad. "Uh, baby, can I borrow your necklace? Just for this game? I need all the luck I can get," he asked.

I can actually feel the nervousness Vee is feeling right now. Its their first game of their last football tournament in high school and everyone's rooting for them since we're last year's champions. He's feeling all the pressure as he's the captain and the ace of the team. The team their battling out right now is also the team they met in the finals last year so it won't be an easy game.

I didn't hesitate to remove my necklace and give it to him. He turned his back while I helped him wear my necklace. "Nice!" he cheerfully exclaimed. "Oh and take this too," he said as he handed me his jersey.

I looked at it confusedly. "Uhm, what would I do with that? Wash it for you?" I said sarcastically.

He laughed at my remark. "Of course not baby. You're gonna wear it to cheer for me," he said in an 'obviously' tone. "You're surely not gonna lose to all my fan girls right?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes. He's right. I've seen a lot of girls earlier holding big banners with his name on it. Some even brought pompoms and some shit which made me even more annoyed. Why does he even have to be this popular? I quickly got his jersey from his hand. "Tsk. Of course not," I answered. They can cheer how loud they want but Vee will never look at their way.

He smirked. "That's my boy," he cheerfully said as he messed up my hair. "The game is about to start in a few minutes so I really have to go now okay?" he excused himself.

I nodded so he turned around and started walking away. I immediately thought of something. "Vee!" I called for his name loudly so he can hear me. It worked since he turned around and looked back at me.

I waved my hand to make him come near me again. He jogged back to my place. "What is it baby? Did you forget something?" he asked curiously.

"Uhm..." I was a bit hesitant since I'm really shy. Ug, this is for the school and this is for Vee, Mark. Stop dilly dallying and start moving. I wore the jersey he gave me on top of my uniform and quickly gave him a peck on his cheek. I leaned down to his ear and whispered. "Good luck baby. Win this game for me."

I quickly pulled away because of the embarrassment I was feeling. But when I looked at Vee, he was just standing still with his eyes wide in surprise. He looked like he was in a daze. "Y-You called me b-baby..." he stuttered as he spoke.

I looked away and pushed his chest to make him go away. "Yeah I called you baby so please go now," I demanded. I already can't handle this shyness I was feeling. He always calls me by that endearment but this is literally the first time I called him with that. He asks me sometimes to call him baby but I always refuse and just call him by his name.

I turned around to go back to my place but I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and pull me. I had no choice but to look back at Vee. He was now smiling from ear to ear. "The word baby sound so sweet when it comes out from your mouth baby. Repeat it for me?" he asked.

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