Barrier 32

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Mark's POV

Me: Vee, can we talk? You're misunderstanding what really happened.

Me: Please Vee, just let me explain. Talk to me.

Me: Vee please...

Me: I love you.

Me: Good morning baby! Rise and shine!

Me: I'm always a call away when you're already ready to talk to me.

I sighed deeply. Vee and I's fight happened yesterday and its been almost a day but he's still not talking to me. I tried to talk to him at dismissal yesterday but he just brushed me off and went to his training. I even texted him a dozen of messages but he didn't even bother to reply.

I had to look away from my phone with a heavy heart as I felt Kan place his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he was looking at me in pity. It seems like he noticed that I've been looking at my phone, hoping to see a reply, ever since we got to school. But of course, it was to no avail.

"I don't know what to do anymore Kan," I said. I felt my some tears in my eyes threatening to fall any minute now.

"Everything's gonna be fine Mark. We have a plan remember? Vee will surely forgive you after this," he said as he tried to cheer me up. I'm glad with his efforts to comfort me but nothing will really make me happy right now unless Vee starts talking to me again and we make up.

"But what if he doesn't?" I asked pessimistically. I can't help but think like this because I'm not the type to ask for forgiveness. Growing up, its mostly the people around me who apologizes even when I'm the one on the wrong side. I just apologize when it comes to my parents, Kan, and some others. And this time, I need to apologize to an important person in my life and if he doesn't forgive me, I could lose him.

Kan smiled meekly. "He will Mark. He will, just trust yourself and trust him," he answered knowingly.

I gently nodded. I turned back as I heard the door open. Finally, the person we've been waiting for finally came. Auntie, Kan's mom just entered her office. She had an afternoon meeting so we had to wait for her to finish before we get to talk to her. "Oh Mark, my secretary told me you guys were here. What's the matter?" she asked.

Its actually our lunch time right now but Kan and I purposely didn't go to the cafeteria just so we could talk to his mom. I wanted to go earlier but I figured that Vee was still mad at me si its gonna be awkward for the group so I just decided not to. I stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a sign of greeting. "Good morning auntie," I said.

Kan's mom sat down on the swivel chair in front of us while Kan and I looked at each other. I actually don't know how to ask her about this since first, I was shy. Its awkward to tell her about my love life. And second, I don't want to bother her since I know she's too busy.

I nodded my head to Kan so that he'll be the one to speak up. "Uh mom, Vee and I just want to request for something," he started.

"And what is it?" she asked.

I was actually nervous right now because if she doesn't agree, my plan would crumble down to pieces. I won't be able to do it so Vee won't be able to forgive me. "We want to do something at the quad later," I was the one who spoke up. This is my problem so I should to be the one who'd do something about it. "I got into a huge fight with someone and this is a way I thought I could make up to him," I continued.

Kan's mom just stared at me which made me even more nervous. My heart was thumping loudly against my chest as she was thinking. I just looked back at her and waited for her response. She smiled after a few seconds which made me confused. "Is this the person your mom has been telling me? His name is Vee right?" she asked cheerfully.

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