v. twilight's last gleaming (1.05)

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You wake to the sound of amazed teenagers.

Ever since landing on the ground, and sleeping in a tree, you wake up to the quietest of sounds. It's reassuring to know you'd likely wake up during an attack of some sort, but it didn't often result in a good night's sleep.

You climb down from the tree and stop near a group of delinquents, their faces all pointed to the sky. You follow their gaze, and someone next to you exclaims, "It's a shooting star!"

As it draws closer, you catch sight of the lights flashing on the front. "No, it's not, it's from the Ark!"

Someone behind you yells to Bellamy's tent, "Bellamy, get out here!"

Bellamy runs from the tent and stops beside you. You glance over, and find that he's shirtless. You both exchange an awkward glance, and the girls from his tent run up, and come to stand beside him. Someone points to the falling Ark artifact, and you can hear the crowd murmur in excitement. "They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some Grounder ass."

Bellamy abruptly turns and goes back to his tent, and Octavia moves to stand next to you. "I never thought I'd be relieved to see something from the Ark."

You turn and let out a short laugh, "Yeah." You're silent for a second, lost in thought, before nodding towards the headquarters tent. "Should we go see what the plans are?"


You both walk to the tent and step inside, just as one of the delinquents updates Bellamy. "If it cleared the ridge then it's probably near the lake."

Octavia speaks up from behind you, "We should get moving. Everyone's ready."

You watch a strange look pass over Bellamy's face, before he speaks, voice firm. "No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light."

He steps away from the group and tries to leave the tent, not meeting your eyes, but Octavia stops him. "Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the Grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now."

"I said we wait till sunrise." He storms from the tent, effectively ending the conversation, and leaving you and Octavia to share a confused glance.

"I know my brother. He's hiding something."

You nod in agreement, "I was starting to think the same thing."

You both step out of the tent, scanning the camp for any sign of Bellamy. Growing concerned, Octavia makes a beeline for his tent and storms inside, coming face to face with the two girls from earlier. "Where's Bellamy?"

"Rude much?"

Octavia steps closer, "Where is my brother?"

You look around the tent, trying to locate any sign of his belongings. You nudge Octavia, "His stuff is gone."

She turns and meets your eyes, muttering, "Shit."

You both run out of the tent and head for the dropship, where you pick up a few supplies. Octavia runs into Jasper, "If you see Clarke, tell her my brother went for the dropship and we're going to follow him." And then you're both off in a flash, sneaking from the camp and moving in the general direction of the fallen Ark pod, looking for any sign of Bellamy.

The sky gradually lightens as you move, and you eventually come across Bellamy, bobbing and weaving between trees. He stops to look around for a second, gathering his bearings, and you and Octavia duck behind a nearby tree. You both watch him silently, before a burst of anger pushes her into action and towards her older brother. You try to grab her to pull her back, but she pulls free and storms right up to him. "Bellamy! What are you doing?"

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