lxvii. sic semper tyrannis (5.09)

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You blink awake slowly, your body fighting the exhaustion that still consumes you.

Bright light filters through the tent, illuminating a small body curled up beside you on the bed. You smile down at Madi, who must have shown up at some point during the night after she finished her responsibilities with Octavia. Your eyes trace her face, so peaceful as she sleeps, and you get a pang of sadness when you realize you'll have to tell her about Clarke when she wakes up. If she hasn't already picked up on Clarke's absence, it won't take long for her to realize.

You freeze when you hear a creak behind you, and you pull your knife from the holster on your thigh, left on after your stressful night, turning to look towards the door and face your intruder. Instead, you're met with the sight of Bellamy, sitting in a chair near the door, watching you. As soon as he sees that you're awake, he gives you a small smile and whispers, "Hey."

"Hey." You untangle yourself from your blanket, careful to not disturb Madi, and slide out of the bed, walking towards him. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay after last night."

"Not really. And as soon as Madi wakes up, I'll have to tell her, which will only make this worse."

"Maybe not."

You cock your head to the side and your brows pull together, confused. "What aren't you telling me?"

He glances over at Madi, stands from his chair and peeks outside before walking back over to you and pulling you to the furthest corner in the tent from your sleeping niece. His voice drops low, barely a whisper and he says, "I slipped Octavia some of Monty's algae."

Your jaw drops as you look at him, your brain running through the meaning, picking up on a piece of trivia you've gathered in the last few days. "Like the algae that put Murphy in a coma?"

"Yes. I poisoned my sister."

"Oh, Bell." You can see the anguish in his face, and it breaks your heart. Without even thinking about what you're doing, you pull him to you, wrapping your arms around him and holding him tight. He immediately responds and hugs you back and you whisper, "She'll be okay. I'm sure Jackson can keep her alive easily, especially with tech from the bunker."

The two of you pull apart, and he nods. "I hope so. But with Octavia unable to lead, Indra can take over the army, and she can accept Diyoza's terms."

"Murphy was out for a week right? By the time she's awake, we'll be in the valley, living peacefully." He nods, and your mind flashes to your twin. "What about Clarke? Can we let her out?"

"Not until Wonkru surrenders. It'll just raise suspicions about her before then."

You sigh, knowing he's right, but you find relief in the fact that at least she's safe for now, while Octavia rests in her coma. "Can we see her? Madi will want to."

Suddenly, a quiet voice retorts, "Madi will want to what?"

You look over at your niece, sitting up and staring at you, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. You glance at Bellamy, and he whispers, "I'll be outside."

You nod and watch him step out of the tent, before you walk over to Madi and sit down on the bed beside her. "Madi, I don't know how to tell you this, but Clarke's in trouble."

You see anxiety cross her features immediately, and she sits up straighter. "What do you mean? Is it Diyoza? Did she come for her? Are you in trouble too?"

You shake your head, reaching out to take her hand, hoping it'll comfort her. "No, it's nothing like that. And I'm not in trouble. But Clarke has been arrested for killing Cooper."

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