lii. gimme shelter (4.07)

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March 20th, 2150; Becca's Island

As soon as the boat reaches the shoreline, Roan volunteers to stay behind with Miller and unload the fuel, so that Jackson can lead you to your mother. You and Clarke agree with the plan, looking forward to seeing her for the first time in a few days. Though, with the events of the last few days, it has felt more like lifetimes. Jackson leads you from the shoreline through a densely wooded path, keeping up light conversation the entire time, before ushering the two of you into a lab unlike anything you could ever have imagined. "This is Becca's main research lab, but there are 5 other levels."

You look around in awe, at the dozens of screens and computers, all types of equipment, chemicals, tubes, and beakers, all brightly lit and situated at the bottom of a flight of stairs. As Jackson leads you to the railing alongside the stairs, giving you a view of everything, your mouth drops open in shock, and Clarke whispers, "Incredible."

The word carries through the room, reaching a figure who is standing at one of the computer screens, staring at whatever is displayed there. They turn around at the sound of Clarke's voice, your mother, grinning up at both of you. You and Clarke smile back, and Clarke leads the way down the stairs. Your mom pulls both of you into a hug as soon as you're close enough. Up above, Jackson makes an excuse about checking on Luna, giving the three of you the privacy to catch up.

When she pulls away from you, her eyes fall to your shirt first, still covered in Seiku's blood. You got most of his blood off you with the water from the ocean, but it has stained your shirt, ruining it beyond repair. Her eyes widen in alarm, and you can see her already searching for wounds, but you shake your head. "It's not mine. It was Seiku's, one of Roan's guards who saved both of our lives."

She sags in relief, before looking between the two of you, a small smile on her face. "Then I'm grateful to him."

She looks around, realizing that no one else has followed, before asking, "Speaking of, where is Roan?"

"Unloading the fuel with the others." Clarke looks at your mom, her expression dropping as the weight of the day's events start to weigh on her. "We just needed to see our mom."

Your mom pulls you both in for another hug, offering you the kind of comfort that could only ever come from someone who raised you. You smile, drawing in the comfort, until your eyes fall on the screen behind her, the one she was staring at when you came in. It's a scan of a brain, and you pull away, booking at it in confusion. "What is that?"

Your mom glances back at it, her face falling. "A scan of Raven's brain. She's been having seizures, and she just had another one right after she heard the news about the fuel."

The news tugs at something in your brain, taking you back to Niylah's trading post in the middle of a war with an AI. Sinclair stop, the EMP will give me brain damage! You feel a wave of nausea knowing that you contributed to this. In a misguided attempt to save her, you ruined your friend's brain, the thing she values the most. Clarke pulls you out of your head when she points at a gray spot on the brain scan, "Is that-"

Your mom cuts her off, "An ischemic stroke."

Clarke looks slightly hopeful, "Well, that means it can heal, right?"

"Yes, as long as she takes it easy, she'll recover."

A realization hits you like a freight train. You used the EMP on your mom too. You look at her, eyeing her closely, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

She smiles and then walks away, but you and Clarke aren't so easily convinced. "When was the last time you slept?"

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