4 4 The Play Was Lived Once

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Rest of the month was dedicated to practising the dance for the musical of Rasputin. They needed to enact the entire play in the form of a song within fifteen minutes. Each class had fifteen minutes making four plays and a show of one hour. All the money they were to collect from this was to be used as a school fund. Other classes were doing plays on King Viktor, Swan lake and The rise and fall of Napoleon.

Vierne started with the practice of her dance. The first ten minutes of their play was an only drama where they'd show Rasputin, enacted by another boy, growing up and his early childhood, where he'd steal and commit small crimes. The scene changed with older Rasputin played by Lict which had scenes of him meeting his wife and then setting off as a pilgrim. Then he learned about prayers and there were parts of him joining a secret society where he gained his healer powers. Wherever he'd walk, all the women would follow him. Finally, he meets the emperor Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov, enacted by another one of his classmate, his spouse—Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, enacted by Vierne and their son Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, enacted by Grigory. All this was supported by themed background music.

Then there's a waltz performed by Queen Alexandra and Rasputin where they show them coming closer and all the others dressed up as popes and peasants gossiping about them as they danced. Rasputin guides the king on what to do as he dances with the queen. While prince Felix Yusupov, enacted by Galkin, looks down at them from the towers.

In the last five minutes, they all sing a song while enacting the rest of the play. At the end of which, Rasputin was assassinated by Prince Felix and in the chaos, Alexandria is killed along with the rest of the royal family.

The practice began in full swing with the dances, the dialogues and the making of props like the poisoned wine glass and the gun. Vierne met Grigory. He said he wanted to talk to her about something. They sat at a corner in the dance room while Ms Sophie taught the dance steps to Lict.
"Vierne, did you know that Lict had magic within him?" Grigory asked.
She nodded, "I knew that magic was real!" He said, "So, what is he?"
"A star spirit,"

"I've never heard of those. I won't tell anyone."
She didn't say anything, "Oh, before I forget—I broke up with Dasha."
"Yeah, I know. She told me."
"Vierne? Is something wrong?" He looked at her.

"What do you want, Grigory?" She asked. She sounded cold as she looked at her shoes, "No literally, what do you want? Why do you talk to me?"
"Because I like to talk to you," He smiled.
"Why do you like it?"
"I like it because it makes me happy. Ever since I've met you and talked to you, I'm beginning to like myself. And I like this feeling of becoming stronger. Besides, I like your smile. Very few people have a smile like that and very lucky ones can see it. And guess what—I'm lucky too now, Vierne."

She looked at him and smiled, "You are nice, Grigory. You might be the only mortal I like."
"Mortal?" He laughed, "You talk as if you aren't—"He gasped, "You're—"
Her eyes shone blue."Vierne..."
They turned dull again, "You were right, Grigory." Vierne said, "Magic exists."

"Why don't you tell others about Magic? You can even convince them since you exist!" Grigory suggested and Vierne smiled nervously.
"It took us a lot to make humans believe that we don't exist."
"But why?"
"Because not everyone deserves to know about it."
"But you told me."
"That's because I feel like you deserve to know it. You believed in us even when the world said you're wrong. And I like rebels."

"Vierne! Come, I'll tell you your steps now!" Ms Sophie shouted.
Vierne got up, "I shall leave now, mortal"
Grigory laughed, "Yes, your highness."

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