Chapter 2

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"Hm, how about this?" Georgia asked, showing a drawing of black and purple flames on a car.

"I like them, but there's got to be more." Sofia thought.

"We can't do sharks on fire because Aunt Kora did that when she was kid." Dante spoke.

"G! G! Stars!" Liam squealed running into the garage, holding star shaped stickers on his hand.

Sofia's eyes lit up. "I got it! Let's do a galaxy themed car!"

"But we make the stars glow in the dark!?" Georgia asked, excited.

"But people wouldn't see them glow." Dante pointed out.

"So?" Georgia questioned.

"What's the point of having glow in the dark stars if you can't see them glow?"

"For my entertainment." Georgia giggled. "And then obviously, we have 074 on the side."

"Okay, so it's going to take a bit to paint." Dante spoke.

"Well, we have a few weeks until the Derby, so we have enough time." Sofia said.

"We can start today considering we're all suspended." Georgia shrugged, getting out of her seat and stretching. "I'll let mom know that we're ready to go out to get supplies."

"Dad." Dante corrected.

"Mom." Georgia argued.



"He is a male! And so is Papa!" Dante said. "Therefore it's Dad and Papa!"

"No!" Georgia argued, hands on her hips. "Mom is mom because he acts like the female!"

"If anyone should be mom it's Papa!" Sofia interrupted.

"Wait what? Why?" Dante and Georgia asked.

"Because Mom is the one whose in the Derbys while Papa stands on the sidelines." Sofia said.

"That's true."

In the doorway of the Garage, Lance pouted and Keith smirked.

"See, you should be mom." Keith teased him.

"Mom!" Liam squealed running to his parents, his arms in the air.

"The baby says otherwise." Lance grinned, picking the boy up.

"See, mom is mom and papa is papa or dad." Georgia said a smirk on her face.

"Fair argument." Dante shrugged.

"Okay, so what if we do the flames on the roof and then galaxy for the rest?" Georgia suggested, grabbing the purple and black spray paint off of the shelf in the garage, and then grabbed a mask she had kept in the drawer of the table in the garage.

They all moved so they stood in front of the car that would soon be smashed.

"Sounds like a plan." Dante said. "You spray painting?"

Georgia nodded, putting a mask on her face. "I'm doing the roof first, so you guys know the drill. Come get me when dinner is ready."

"You got it."

. . . . .

"She's got your anger." Lance told Keith, talking about Georgia. "But also your determination."

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." Keith said.

"Liam! I'm sorry!" Pidge cried out. "I won't say it ever again!"

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