Chapter 22

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The house was quiet as a mouse as most of the members slept soundly.

Four people were awake, blocking the front and back door. Even Kosmo sat in the backyard, pacing around, in case there may be an intruder. 

The windows around the house were locked, making sure no one could get in unless they broke through. 

A car pulled into the driveway, making the people at the front door tense up and share a look. 

"Unknown car." A man named, Leo, informed the other. 

"Get ready. It may be Lotor." The other man, Will, instructed. 

But before they could do anything, the door was whipped open and silent gunshot went through the guards head. 

"Remember, we're only here for Adrian, Tiffany and Georgia." 

"Yes sir." 

The four that had broke into the house split up, going to find the targets. 

They quietly walked through the house, footsteps light so they wouldn't be heard. 

They had their weapons in front of them, willing to shoot anybody without hesitation if they had gotten in their way. 

Floor after Floor, they searched through the rooms, trying to find the two girls. 

In his room, Keith eyes flickered open upon hearing a creak in the floor. He sucked in a breath as he heard voices outside of his room. 

"This is the last floor, they have to be up here." A man named, James, spoke.

"Lance." Keith hissed, trying to stay quiet as he shook the male awake. 

"What?" Lance grumbled, flipping around to face his husband. 

Keith put a finger to his lips, signalling Lance to be quiet and listen. 

"Narti, I found them." 

Lance shot out of the bed, grabbing the gun that rested on his nightstand while Keith grabbed his blade. 

The two quietly walked to the door, twisting the door handle and...

It's not opening. 

"Lance? What the hell!?" Keith hissed. 

"They locked us in." Lance moved away from the door, dragging Keith with him. 

In Georgia's room, the girl struggled against her kidnappers hands, catching Tiffany's attention. 

Tiffany moved, trying to get out of Narti's arms. "Let me go!" 

A  chloroform cloth was placed over both girls mouth and nose. 

Georgia's eyes widened for a moment before she was knocked out by the drug. 

"Let's get out of here before someone interrupts us." 

They slowly left the room and made it to the stairs just as Klance's bedroom door busted open, causing wood to go every where from the door and the chair. 

Narti and the other person didn't hesitate to run down the stairs, Keith and Lance following close behind. 

Blade's begin to fly, causing Narti and James to come to a sudden stop. 

"That's my sister and best friend you're trying to take. I suggest you drop them before your life ends here and now." Sophia threatened, a blade in her hand, raised in the air, ready to throw it. 

James smirked. "Not today kid." 

Sophia threw the knife only to have them dodge it and continue to run. 

"Assholes!" She shouted as she began to run after them, only to get knocked out. 

Keith and Lance stopped when seeing Sophia lying on the ground, unconscious. 

They looked at each other when they heard the sound of running feet, fading from them. 

Without hesitation, Lance took after them while Keith stayed behind, looking Sophia over. 

Lance managed to make it to the first floor, seeing James, Narti and Zethrid all exit the house. 

He raised his gun, getting ready to shoot before a shot went off. The gun Lance was holding, fell to the ground, and his other hand shot to his arm. 

"I told you she was coming with us." 

"Adrian." Lance growled. Blood leaked from his arm, dripping onto the floor. 


Adrian knocked Lance out with his gun, watching as he fell to the ground. He then left the house, leaving the door wide open. 

They were gone. 

The mission to retrieve Adrian and take Tiffany and Georgia was a success.

. . . . .

"They infiltrated our house! They killed two of our members and kidnapped two!" Kolivan's angry voice boomed, causing Krolia to put a hand on his arm. "This means war." 

Keith stood in the corner of the room, the dark area hiding himself away from everybody. His blade in his hand, as he watched everything unfold in front of him. 

"They're going to be expecting us." Kolivan spoke. "We'll attack in two days-" 

"Two days?" Lance interrupted, shaking his head. "No. We can't. We have to go now."" 


"If we don't go they'll kill Tiffany." Lance continued, his hand slamming on the table as anger filled him. "And my daughter will suffer." 

"We can't go now Lance. We're to unprepared." Krolia said softly. 

"Then hours." Lance replied, his tone harsh. 


For the first time in a few hours, Keith spoke up and walked out of his corner. 

"We need time." He whispered. "We can't rush in without a plan, it could cost both Tiffany and Georgia their lives." 

"You heard what Adrian said!" Lance argued. "Chad and Georgia-" 

"I'm with dad." Dante stepped in. "We need to go now! Who knows what Chad will do to Georgia. We can't waste any time!" 

"Would you rather your sister dead or alive?" Keith asked. "Would you rather have just about everybody in this room alive or dead? Somebody will die if we don't plan this out, it could be Georgia or even Sophia. Listen, I don't want to wait either, but I also don't want to lose anybody. We're better off taking a few hours or even a day, just no longer." 

Lance wanted to argue with him, to disobey everything. But he knew Keith was right. 

"The first step to this, is to get Georgia and Tiffany out, alive." Kolivan spoke. "Then, all hell will break loose." 

The room went silent, no one saying a word. Kolivan's eyes trailed across the room, before he let out a sigh.

"Get training now." He instructed. "We'll attack at dawn." 

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