Chapter 20

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"So the place Aunt Pidge and I were taken to, it wasn't the real base and so the one you gave us the address is the real base?" Georgia asked, a little confused. 

Tiffany nodded.

"And Zarkon?" Georgia questioned. "I haven't seen him yet." 

"He died." Tiffany answered bluntly. "He had a heart attack just after this whole thing started." 

"Damn." Georgia whispered. "That's intense." 

"If only if it was Lotor." Tiffany snorted. 

. . . .

"Juno, I found something out earlier." Sophia spoke, biting her lip. 

Sophia had managed to get Juno over to the house, and was now trying to talk to the girl about the thing with Lotor. 

"I don't want you to flip out and get angry with me or anything." 

"It's about Lotor, isn't it?" Juno sighed and took a seat on Sophia's bed. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to run off and not talk to me ever again. My brother's a dick." 

Sophia giggled slightly. "He really is. You should've told me the truth, Juno." 

"Sophia, I ran away because I didn't want to be like them." Juno admitted. "Sure, I can be a bitch sometimes, but they commit crimes for fun, and Lotor just goes after Keith for his own reasons that I don't really want to talk about. I ran away at the age of five, that's when training began." 


"A five year old should not be taught the right way to hold a gun, or even know what a gun is. I was to grown up at that age, I knew how a gun worked and I know the weak points on humans bodies. I hated it. So I ran off." Juno explained. "Then there was a couple, my parents, who had seen me on the streets, eating out of garbage bins, trying to survive on whatever I could find. They took me in and then I got to live my life they a kid should have lived there life. Years later, when High School started, Lotor tried to convince me to help him out with this whole ordeal. I told him no and to screw off. Then we met and you told me who you were, I knew I couldn't tell you this secret I hid all my life because I was afraid you would run off or something before I got the chance to explain myself." 

"I'm just glad you told me everything now." Sophia smiled for a second but it soon disappeared. "I really hate to ask-" 

"I'll help you." Juno stopped the girl, knowing where she was going with her sentence. "Give Lotor the shock of his life." 

. . . . 

"That's not true." 

"Matt, we don't know if it is or not." Keith mumbled, Kora sitting next to him as they broke the news to Matt. 

"We can always do a DNA test." Kora suggested. "And then you can get the results in two days or so." 

Matt ran a hand through his hair as he paced around the room. "It was a party, I was young, I mean we all were." He muttered. "But if Tiffany is my kid, then why the hell wouldn't her mother tell me?" 

The room went silent, Keith nor Kora knew how to answer Matt. 

"Keith." Krolia's voice cut in. "Sophia's going in to talk to Adrian, Georgia's going in with her." 

"No." Keith shook his head. "Georgia's going to lose herself once Adrian mentions Chad." 

"That's why Chris, Dante and Tiffany are going to be with us." Krolia replied. "They're back up. Now, you coming or not?" 

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