Chapter 12

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Georgia sat in her cell, knee's pulled to her chest. 

Her and Pidge were separated. 

Every so often, one of the members came down the stairs and would either talk to Pidge or Georgia, trying to get information out of them. 

"Georgia." Tiffany taunted, now standing in front of the girls cell. "Just give it up, you know you aren't as strong as you think you are." 

Georgia's eyes clenched shut, trying to block the girl out. 

"You're weak, Georgia. You're nothing. I bet that at this very moment, your parents aren't planning to retrieve you. The only one they're coming for is Pidge. They don't need you."

"Just stop." Georgia whispered. "You're wrong." 

"Am I?" Tiffany asked. "Why do you think your brother stopped you from fighting me? You can't possibly think that it was to protect you. No, it's because he knows how weak you are. And he didn't want to have to save your ass. And how about Sophia, she's barley there. She doesn't want to be there for you because you're such a burden." 

"Shut up." 

"You know I'm saying the truth." Tiffany continued. "You live in the shadows of Dante and Sophia. You're not known as Georgia McClain, you're known as the little sister of Dante and Sophia McClain." 

Georgia just turned more into the corner that she sat in, looking away from Tiffany. 

"You got kidnapped, Georgia. You couldn't stand up for yourself. Kidnapping you, was like taking candy from a baby. But if it were Dante or Sophia, that would've been a challenge." Tiffany gasped. "You know what this reminds me of!? You remember Chad, right Georgia?" 

Georgia tensed up at the name. 

"Of course you do! How could you forget him!?" Tiffany laughed. "You were too weak to defend yourself! You let him get his way with you! Just how pathetic are you!?" 

"Just go away Tiffany." 

Another pair of footsteps were heard, causing Georgia to look up. 

Her eyes widened at the sight of Chad who held a smirk on his face. 

The cell door opened, and Tiffany walked in, a big grin on her face.

"What do say we have some fun!?" 

. . . .

"Lotor has left the building." 

"Moving in." 

Lance was set up on a rooftop, sniper in hand as he watched Lotor leave with Zethrid and Narti. 

"Zethrid and Narti left with him." He informed the group. 

"Matt, can you hack into the camera's and find where they're holding Georgia and Pidge?" 

"On it." 

Keith hid in the shadows of the house, staying out of sight of those who were scattered around the mansion. 

"I'm counting four at the front door." He spoke quietly. 

"Georgia and Pidge are in the basement." Matt said. "There's a window in the backyard that's open, if you enter through the window the stairs will be on your right." 

"Okay, let's carefully move to the back." Shiro instructed. "From there, Keith, Krolia and Ryan will retrieve the two girls while the rest of us stand on look out." 

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