Chapter 32

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Reminder... I know some may call Soccer, Football in some area's. 

But for me.. Soccer is American soccer 

and Football is American Football



"Aunt Kora sent me a message, I'm suppose to tell you all." Georgia said, her voice quiet as they sat in the cafeteria. "But I don't want anyone to hear it, so just pass my phone around." 

"Georgia, Liam was taken out of school today and I am currently on my way to your father. Liam is going to be staying with him rather than us. 

I'm only going to give you minor details and will explain the rest to you all later. 

During the time Liam was at school, there was a suspicious figure inside, we aren't sure if this person was a teacher or not. But they had approached Liam and began to talk about your family and... Keith. 

I'm telling you this now because I want you to be on the lookout for anyone who may be suspicious at your school. It could be a student or even a teacher... I hate to say it, but don't trust anyone but those who are with you, and those who are in the gang. 

I'll see you after school, try to have a good day. 

Oh, and your father says no fights." 

"Dad says no fights." Dante scoffed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the table. "No promises." 

"I want to know what this person said to Liam." Georgia frowned as her phone got set in front of her. "Maybe he gave hints or something to wear Mo-Dad is."

"Let's just push through this day." Isabella replied, placing a hand on Georgia's arm. "Once we get home, I'm sure everything we have to ask is going to be answered." 


"Coach." Dante greeted, standing up.

"You're going to be signing up for the soccer team, correct?" 

Dante hesitated. Was he going to sign up for it with everything happening? 

"Yes he will be." Sophia stood up, answering the question for her brother as Georgia nodded. 

Before Dante could say anything, the coach grinned and patted his shoulder. "Glad to hear it! We're having try outs next week, school insists we start early. We'd love to have you there, Captain. They'll be after school like normal, either Thursday or Friday." 

"I'll be there." Dante told him, before saying goodbye as the coach left. Once the man was out of earshot, the older brother turned to his sisters. "What the hell!?" 

"If you don't do what you love, teachers will notice." Sophia shrugged. "Then, they'll question what's wrong with us, besides, I'm sure Papa and Dad would want us to still do our sports." 

"Sof and I are going to join the volleyball team." Georgia motioned between them. "Chris is going in for try outs on the soccer team." 

"And I haven't figured out what I'm doing yet." Isabella sighed. "I can't choose." 

"Why don't you try out for volleyball? Or soccer? Or band?" Juno listed from her spot next to Sophia. "You love every one of those things."

Isabella hummed in agreement. "That's true."

"I think you should try volleyball first." Chris spoke up, chin on his hand. "Just so that we're all kind of together, you know what I mean?" 

Georgia nodded. "After with what happened to Liam, I think we should always be with someone." She mumbled, picking at her food that rested in front of her. 

"Spencer! Give it back!" 

Isabella quickly spun in her seat at the name, her eyes wondering around the Cafeteria before they landed on her ex. 

"Dante." Georgia whispered, eyes narrowing at the sight in front of her as Dante stood up.

Spencer stood above the girl, her bag in the air as he waved it over her head, teasing her.

"That's Julia." Dante growled, storming over to the male who was teasing the shorter girl. 

"Who's Julia?" Isabella asked. 

"Dante's crush." Sophia answered, also getting out of her seat. "They like each other, just haven't admitted it." 

Ripping Julia's bag out of Spencer's hand, Dante handed the bag to Julia, pushing her behind him slightly. 

"Back off, Spencer." Dante snapped, his hand resting on Julia's waist. 

"Oh I'm sorry your majesty, I didn't realize she was yours." Spencer said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

"Your majesty?" Dante asked under his breath.

"You don't know?" Julia spoke quietly, gripping the arm that rested on her waist. "Almost the whole school calls you the King of School. Nobody know's how it started, but it got around the school pretty fast and now that's what you're known as." 

Dante smirked. "That's actually pretty awesome."

"What happened, Spencer?" Sophia batted her eyelashes, with a pout as she mocked the male, now standing next to her brother. "Did you lose all your girlfriends and now you don't know what to do so instead you went to being a bully?"

"Go fuck your girlfriend McClain."

"Hey, watch what you say buddy." Dante spoke in a harsh tone. "That's my sister you're talking to." 

"Whatever." Spencer grumbled, before taking a step forward. "I'd like my toy back." 

Sophia's eyes widened as Dante placed a hand on Spencer's chest. 

"Excuse me?" 

Sophia grabbed Julia's arm, pulling her back. "You may want to take a step back." 

Georgia, who was watching, quickly got up, rushing over to her brother.

"Dante." She whispered, placing a hand on his arm. "Don't start anything." 

"Yeah Dante, listen to your sister." 

"Georgia, move." Dante hissed, shoving Spencer back. 

"Dante, don't." Georgia continued. "What do you think Coach would do to you if he found out you got into a fight? What about Julia?" 

The male glanced back at Julia, who's eyes flickered between Spencer and Dante, worry and fear written on her face. 

"If you beat the shit out of him, you're going to scare her more." The younger sister whispered, trying to stop Dante from doing anything. "Please, D. Not here, not now." 

Dante took a deep breath and took a step back as Georgia's arm slowly slid off of his arm. "Let's go." He mumbled, turning around.

Spencer scoffed and shook his head. He opened his mouth to call after the male but a deadly glare shut him up. 

"Shut up." Georgia scowled before following after her brother. 

. . . .

He was in a room... More like trapped in the room. 

He was sitting on a bed, staring out the window as he watched cars drive by and families walk on the sidewalk. 

Keith never understood Lotor's true intentions. What was so fascinating about Keith that drew Lotor to him? Or was it because of what his mother did? What his father did? 

He had already killed so many, including Keith's father. Was it not enough? What more did he want? What more did he need

All of this violence, this war, for what?

"Just hang in a little longer." He whispered, eyes following after birds that flew in the air, drinking in the freedom they had. 

"I know it's been a few weeks. But just hang in a little longer, everything will be over soon. I promise." 

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