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You know what... I'll leave this note at the end. 

For one last time



Sophia cleared her throat and set some roses down on the ground beneath her. She was finally at the graveyard James had told her to go to. 

The name Ember Woods was written on the stone, followed by a picture of the girl. 

"H-Hi, Mom." Sophia spoke quietly. "It's Sophia, your daughter. Um, James told me where to find you." The wind blew, causing her hair to move slightly. "We took out Lotor and his gang. You can rest easy now. Everything's okay." 

. . .

Years have passed since that moment Sophia had with her biological mother. 

Everyone grew and had moved on with their lives. 

Dante followed in Lance's footsteps and became a police officer while Sophia had became a doctor, and Georgia became a therapist. Liam was still in school, his third year of high school actually. 

Kolivan had passed away due to old age, Krolia following not to far behind him. It was upsetting, but the family was told not to dwell on it. Krolia had actually made them promise to not let her death drag them down.

Keith leaned against his chair, running a hand through his hair as he looked through a picture album he had kept onto. It was filled of so many memories, from when Dante was a baby, to him getting married. 

That's right. After a few months everything was over, Dante had confessed his feelings to the girl named Julia. 

But... Sophia had beaten him to the punch. She and Juno ended up together a few weeks after everything happened. 

You remember the bet everyone made? The one where a few of them said Dante was going to get in a relationship first and the losers had to get a tattoo. Yup! 

As soon as Georgia was of age, the group who had lost went in for a tattoo. It was a small but simple tattoo of the word survivor but in Spanish. 

Anyways, Dante and Julia had gotten married first, during the time they just found out they were expecting. 9 months later, the couple had a little girl named Delilah, who was now five years old.  The two were expecting a little boy who should be arriving in a month.

Georgia and Chris had got together after Georgia found out she was pregnant with his baby after a little incident on her 23rd birthday. They soon had a little boy who they named Marco. 

Juno and Sophia were engaged and lived in their house with their wolf, Kosmo. Sophia had tried to get the wolf to go off into the woods once again, but he just wouldn't leave them alone. So, instead, they lived in the house where Sophia met Kosmo. Kolivan had handed it down to her, telling her that she was the one who should inherit the house. 

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Georgia giggled running into the house, her son close behind. 

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!" Marco exclaimed running in front of the male. 

"Marco! Georgia! Marco!" Keith mocked the two, giving the three year old a hug. "What are you two so excited about?" 

"You'll never believe what Daddy's going to do!" Marco told him, exaggerating. 

Keith raised an eyebrow at Georgia. 

"I'm not allowed to say anything." She laughed before gesturing to her son. "He wants to tell you himself." 

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