Chapter 27

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~~Same Day as Dante woke up, Just with Keith and a few hours later~~

"How's Dante doing?" 

"He's getting better." Keith answered, brushing Georgia's hair. "Your father said he's responding to when he speaks. Doctors say he should be awake soon." 

"Do we, do I, really have to do this?" Georgia whispered.

"Do what?" Keith asked, a frown appearing on his as he set the brush down. 

"This." Georgia waved her hand around. "Being in a gang, constantly in Danger. I'm tired of being in danger, losing people. I don't know how much longer I can hang on. We lost Tiffany, Dante's in a coma, Dad's not with us. What else is next? Who else is next?" The girl took a breath and got off of her chair. "I'm to weak for this, Mom. You and dad, you know what to do just like the other adults. I'm just a teenager who should be doing whatever teenagers do. Not shooting people, killing them, fighting for not only my life but many others too." 

Keith went silent. He didn't know how to comfort her. Then again, he didn't want to be in this when it all started. He could always let her go home, but not on her own. But with who? 

. . . . .

Georgia stood away from everyone, arms wrapped around herself as Tiffany was burred. 

"Australia? Why Australia?" 

"Australia is beautiful." Tiffany answered, a day dreamed look on her face. "When I'm older, that's where I want to live. Anywhere in Australia. I even want to barred there! But not in a grave yard, a field of Desert Flames." 

"You better write that down, Tiff." Georgia giggled. "You won't be dying anytime soon, and I don't think I'll remember that." 

"How wrong I was." Georgia whispered to herself.

She didn't want to have to go through this again. She didn't want anymore funerals. They lost four people, and more, to Lotor. She couldn't fight any of them, hell she couldn't even fight off someone who was her age. 

A whimper snapped her out of her thoughts, making the girl look down. Kosmo brushed up against her leg, offering her comfort. 

She smiled sadly and petting the wolf. "I'm glad your here, Kosmo. I really am." 

She stared at the spot her best friend was burred not to long ago. "How many more people?" She whispered. "When is this all going to end? How much longer until he is satisfied?" 

From a far, Keith stood next to his mother as the two watched Georgia. 

"I can't force her into this." He mumbled, shaking his head. "But she also can't escape." 

"So what are you thinking?" Krolia asked. 

"I send her home." Keith suggested. "She can go back to school, and almost have her life back." 

"It's still risky, Keith. You do know that, right?" 

"I know, that's why someone's going to go with her." The male nodded. "I just haven't figured  out with who yet. I was thinking Hunk, Shay and Isabella. Mainly so Georgia has someone to go to school with."

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" A new voice popped in. 

Krolia and Keith turned around to see Shiro standing behind them, a frown on his face, arms crossed. 

"It's not." Keith spoke. "But like I told mom, I can't force her into this. I can't force anyone into this. Yes, I don't want her to go, afraid of the risks of her being at home, and with not knowing where Lotor is at the moment." He shook his head. 

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