Chapter 16

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"Georgia." Matt spoke in a hushed tone. "Do you really think she can be trusted?" 

"I'm sure." Georgia answered as the two entered the gang house.

"How do you know?" 

Georgia rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "I may have stolen her diary in school, after she told us about Lotor." 

Matt's jaw dropped as he came to a sudden stop in the hallway. "Wait, Georgia actually stole." 

"I was curious!" Georgia defended. "She was always writing in it! And I thought maybe something would help us defeat Lotor." 

"So you knew about what was happening between her and her parents before?" Matt asked. 

"I didn't believe it at first." Georgia sighed. "But then when Aunt Pidge and I were kidnapped, and I seen the way Lotor and her so-called-mom was with her, I started to believe it. I knew I needed to talk to her, because maybe we can help her." 

"I'll tell you what, if she is good just as she says, I'll talk to Hailey about taking her in." Matt said. 

"Just promise me you won't tell anyone." Georgia pleaded, biting back a smile. Maybe Tiffany could finally get what she was wishing for. 

Matt bit his lip, lying wasn't his strong suit, but he would try his best. "Okay, but what are you going to tell them every night when you leave to meet up with her?" He asked. 

Georgia's mind went blank. She hadn't thought of that yet. What was she going to tell them? 

"I'll figure that out later." She answered. 


The girl turned to see her older brother charging at her with full speed.

"Where the hell have you been!?" He asked, stopping in front of her. 

"I got into an argument with dad." Georgia replied. "I got worked up and went for a walk in town." 

Dante eyed his sister before letting out a shrug. "Next time, could you just give a text so mom doesn't freak out because you've been gone for hours."  


. . . . .

"Okay, what are you hiding?" Sophia asked her sister, arms crossed as the two stood in Georgia's room. 

"Nothing." Georgia lied, moving towards her book shelf, finding another book to read. 

Sophia watched Georgia moved. She knew her younger sister was lying, Sophia could see right through her mask. "Georgia, don't lie to me." She spoke sternly. "What are you hiding?"

Georgia bit her lip, debating on telling her sister about Tiffany or not. If she told Sophia, it's possible she could tell Lance, or try to stop Georgia herself. But maybe, if she explained everything, then Sophia would understand. 

Georgia glanced over at her desk, where Tiffany's Diary was located. Maybe if she gave the diary to Sophia.... 


The girl let out a sigh and let her hand drop from the book she was about to grab. "Sophia, before I tell you anything, I need you to promise you won't tell mom, dad or even Dante. Actually scratch that, you can't tell anyone." 

Sophia nodded. "Okay, I won't." 

"Promise me."

"I promise not to tell anyone your dirty little secret." Sophia sighed. 

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