Chapter 3

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"She's pretty."

Pidge nodded her head in agreement as Sophia complemented the girl Matt sat with.

The girl had long crimson hair with a black streak, her eyes were an emerald green. She also had a nose piercing.

"Do you think he'll introduce us to her anytime soon?" Pidge asked.

Pidge pulled out her phone, dialing her brothers number. She watched with suspense as Matt picked up the phone.

"Dude! Who's the chick!? Do we get to meet her!?" The girl exclaimed.

"What? Are you here?"

Matt looked throughout the cafe until his eyes got caught on his group of friends.

"Pidge what the hell!? Are you spying on me!?"

"It wasn't my idea!" Pidge squeaked. "It was Kora's!"

Matt got up from his table, and held his hand out to the girl in front of him.

Pidge quickly hung up the phone. "Oh, he coming!"

Sophia covered her mouth, giggles escaping her. "You're in trouble Aunt Pidge."

"You know, you could've just asked where I was instead of following me."

"Untle Matt!" Liam grinned, getting off of his chair and wrapping his arms around the males legs.

Matt patted Liam's head. "Well, since you're all so curious. Meet Hailey, my girlfriend, Hailey meet Kora, Lance, Keith, my sister Pidge, my nephew Liam and my nieces Sophia, Georgia and Laelynn."

"Kora!" Hailey grinned. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Kora giggled. "Yeah, it has been a while. I didn't expect to see you here with Matt."

"Wait, Kora you know her?" Lance asked.

The girl nodded. "She's an old coworker of mine."

"I told you he was seeing someone." Lance smirked.

Keith rolled his eyes. "Oh shut it."

Georgia let out a laugh as she watched her family interact. But then she seen someone standing at the entrance of the cafe, their hair was white, long, a strand of hair curled in front of their face.

This person was staring straight at Keith, watching his every move, making Georgia shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Georgia? What's wrong?" Lance asked.

The daughter didn't say anything as she watched the person leave the cafe. She shook her head.

"It was nothing." Georgia told her dad, a smile appearing on her face.

Who was that?


Georgia sat in her bed, watching old Derby's on her laptop. She had manged to find an old Derby both Keith and Lance ran in a few years ago.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she seen someone who looked familiar. The male walked over to Keith, almost taunting him.

She was curious? Who the hell was this person?

Getting off of her bed, she went to find Keith who sat on the floor in the living room, coloring with Liam.

"Hey mom?"

"Hm?" Keith hummed and looked up at the girl.

"Who is this?" Georgia asked, setting the laptop in front of Keith.

She watched as the males eyes hardened at the sight.

In the video, Lotor tried to push past Keith but was stopped by the male who kept pushing him back.

"That's Lotor." Keith spat. "He's a guy who was constantly out for revenge because I almost kicked his ass in a Derby every time. He even went as far as to sabotage my Derby car, being the reasoning why I lost."

"Where is he now?" Georgia questioned.

"He's dead." Lance cut in.

Georgia stiffened. "Dead?"

"Georgia, what's wrong?" Keith asked.

"He doesn't have a twin who looks like him does he?"

"Not as far as we know, Georgia what's this all about?" Lance said, arms crossed.

"I'm hoping I was just hallucinating, but I could've sworn I seen this guy yesterday at the cafe."

"What? No, that's impossible." Keith shook his head. "There is no way. He's dead. He's been dead."

"You know what, maybe it was just someone who looked liked him." Georgia said.

A phone went off. "I'll be right back." Lance mumbled, going outside to answer his phone.

"Yo! Georgia! Come here!" Dante called out.

"One second!"

Georgia grabbed her laptop and shut it off as she walked into her room. She placed it on her dresser before going off to find her older brother.

She walked into the bathroom where Dante stood, a volleyball in hand.

Georgia's eyes lit up. Volleyball was her favorite sport. She had ended up watching Haikyu!! around the age of 12 and became amazed with volleyball.

"We're going to the beach soon." Dante said, a grin on his face. "Meaning we get to challenge the others to a volleyball game."

He served the ball, and Georgia immediately got into position. She hit the ball back to Dante.

"Dante, do you know about Lotor?" She asked as they passed the ball.

Dante's smile dropped at the name. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Mom and Dad were in a gang. Lotor was the enemy, always going after mom. Not ever leaving him alone." Dante scoffed. "The man was crazy. But he's dead now. He got shot in the head."

Georgia went silent. Then who the hell did she at the cafe? It couldn't have been Lotor if he was dead? Maybe he faked his own death? But how?

"Georgia! Watch out!"

It was to late, the ball hit off of Georgia chest, making her fall to the ground from the hit.

"Are you okay!?" Dante asked, rushing over to his sister.

Georgia groaned. "I'm fine."

"Did you get lost in thought or something? That wasn't like you at all." Dante frowned.

"Is it possible for someone to fake their own death when shot in the head?"

"I don't think so, G." Dante shook his head. "Stop stressing little sis, I'm sure it wasn't him."

. . . .

"Georgia, I think you're paranoid."

Georgia sat in Sophia's room as she completed homework.


"Georgia." Sophia stopped her. "Trust me when I say he's dead and isn't coming back. Everything's fine. Where's your work? Bring it here and I'll help you with it."

Her siblings were right. There was no way someone could survive a shot to the head.


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