Chapter 14

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"Sophia, don't move." 

"Kosmo." Sophia whispered, placing a hand on the wolfs back. "Stand down buddy. Please." 

Kosmo's head turned to look at her before glancing back to her family. 

Lance reached behind his back, making Sophia's eyes widened. She shot forward, now standing in front of Kosmo. 

"Don't hurt him! Please!" She pleaded. "He was just protecting me!" 

Kosmo pushed Sophia forward, another growl escaping him. 

"Protecting you?" Dante scoffed. 

"Don't hurt him." Sophia's voice dropped. "Please, he won't hurt you." 


"He thought Dante was attacking me." Sophia continued, bending down so she was face to face with the wolf. "I know he looks a little scary right now, but I promise he won't hurt you. Trust me please." 

Kosmo relaxed, and sat down next to the brown haired girl, nudging her slightly. 

"Puppy?" Liam peeked out from behind Lance, moving forward once he seen Kosmo. 

"Hold your hand out, Liam." Sophia said, gently, before showing him what to do. 

Liam held his hand out, holding it out to Kosmo. The wolf sniffed the boy hand, before placing his hand in Liam's hand, just like he did to Sophia. 

Keith noticed the bandage wrapped around Kosmo's paw. "He was the bird, wasn't he?" 

Sophia nodded. "When I found this place, I found Kosmo. He had a thorn in his paw, so I patched him up." She explained. "I didn't want to tell you guys because I didn't know how you would react. I was hoping he wasn't going to show up while we were here, but I guess Dante pushing me scared him. Please don't do anything to him." 

Keith let out a sigh. "A wolf, a pet wolf." 

Georgia moved forward. "You know, if he wanted to hurt us, I'm sure he would've done something by now." She spoke, walking towards Kosmo. "I say we give him a shot." 

Dante eyed Kosmo. "Are you sure about this, Sophia?" He asked. 

Sophia nodded. "He's a good boy." She cooed. 

Kosmo walked forward, walking towards Keith who eyed the wolf. The black and white wolf rubbed up against the males leg making Sophia giggle. 

"He likes you." 

Lance watched as Keith reached his hand out, petting Kosmo, a smile slowly appearing on the males face as he did so. 


"Come on, Lance." Keith rolled his eyes. "If he wanted to do something to us he would've. Give him a shot." 

"He's like a big puppy." Sophia spoke up, trying to convince her father that Kosmo wasn't as bad as he thought he was. 

Lance let out a sigh, not bothering to argue with his family anymore. "Okay." 

Sophia's face broke into a grin and she jumped up, tackling Lance into a hug. "Thank you!" 

Dante stared at Kosmo, an evil grin appearing on his face. Georgia noticed and took a step away from her brother, scared of the look in his eyes. 

"Um, Dante?" Georgia squeaked, making everyone turn to her. "What are you thinking about?" 

Dante let out a deep chuckle. "I'm just thinking of something." 

"And this something is?" Keith asked, crossing his arms as Kosmo sat down in front of him, also staring at Dante, his head tilted and tongue hanging out of his mouth. 

"How Kosmo could tear Chad and Tiffany limb from limb." Dante answered, his grin widening. "It'll be amazing." 

"Wait, don't hurt Tiffany." Georgia stopped him, making her older siblings heads shoot to her.

"What? Why not?" Dante asked, confused. 

"She hurt you, G." Sophia spoke up, smacking the back of her brothers head. "And don't use my wolf for your evil schemes!" 

The youngest girl looked down at Kosmo, a sad look appearing on her face. "I think I understand why she's the way she is." She said sadly, taking a seat on the ground. She crossed her legs and placed her hands in her lap. "After all, I would do anything to please my parents." 

Lance's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at Keith whose face held confusion.

"Georgia?" Keith questioned. "What are you talking about?" 

"When Aunt Pidge and I got kidnapped, Tiffany was muttering about how she thought Lotor would be proud of her when she brought us to him." Georgia sighed. "She went to say 'Father' but quickly changed her wording to 'Sir'. Not just this, but I seen the look Lotor gave her."

"What look?" 

"The look Mom gives Lotor." Georgia muttered. "The look of disgust and hatred." 

"But why would Lotor-" 

"Because it's Lotor." Georgia interrupted. "He's a selfish jerk who could careless about anyone but himself." 

"It makes so much sense now!" Sophia gasped. "Why Tiffany is the way she is! She's doing everything she can to get accepted by her parents!" 

"But Tiffany's mom seems to like her." Dante pointed out. 

"She did try to protect her during the whole Georgia, Isabella stuff." Keith added. 

Georgia shook her head. "It was a show. Tiffany's mom treats her like garbage, just like Lotor." She said. 

Everyone went silent. Keith frowned, his hands dragging down his face. 

"Mom." Georgia whispered. "I want to talk to her. I need to talk to her." 

"Sophia." Lance said gently. "I don't know if it's a good idea." 


. . . . .

"Talk to Tiffany?" 

Keith nodded as he stood in the meeting room, his mother and step father in front of him and Georgia beside him. 

"If we can talk to her, maybe we can change her mind somehow." Georgia spoke up. "If that happens, we could bring her here. Get information from her." 

"Georgia." Kolivan sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea." 

"What why not?" 

"She could betray us." Kolivan answered. "She could put some sort of act on and give away our location to Lotor, she could give them information about us." 

Georgia shook her head. "Please Grandpa! Let me talk to her!" 

Kolivan shook his head. "I'm sorry, Georgia." 

Georgia's hands shook. "We have to save her!" She exclaimed. "Isn't that what we're trying to do!?" 


"This is someone who needs to be saved!" Georgia continued, her voice growing louder with every word. 

Keith watched as his daughter began to tear up, her anger getting the best of her. 

"She's just trying to please her parents! She never had what I had all of my life! She never felt a mothers love! A father's protectiveness! She never had someone to be proud of her!" Georgia shouted, her voice cracking. "She never got to have what we got!" Her voice lowered, tears now streaming down her face, her hand slammed on the table, making Keith jump a little. "She's doing everything she can to have everything I've had. It's not fair." 

Krolia took a step forward as Georgia's tears fell onto the table. 

"It's not fair she has to do things to be accepted." Georgia whispered. "To do things she doesn't want to do to have her parents be proud of her." The girl wiped her face and looked up at her Grandparents with pleading eyes. "Please. Please let me talk to her." 

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