Chapter 21

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"An attack is going to happen." Kolivan spoke in the meeting room. "We need to be ready for it." 

"Sophia's been trying to figure out when it's going to happen, but she hasn't gotten the answer yet." Krolia mentioned. "We all need to keep our guards up." 

"We'll have people guarding every door, nobody leaves the house. Everyone will carry some sort of weapon just in case."

. . . .

"Can Kosmo be my weapon?" Sophia asked, tilting her head to the side as Krolia handed her a gun. "Besides, Dad doesn't trust me with this. He thinks I'll shoot Adrian." 

"You can't fight with just blades and a sword." Krolia answered. "Just don't shoot Adrian, we still need him to gather information. Understand?"

Sophia pouted. "Yes Grandma." She grumbled. 

"Sophia! Abuela and Abuelo are here!" 

Kolivan had suggested Rosa to come here in case she was in danger, considering she was Lance's mother.

Krolia's face lit up. "Wanna race?"

Sophia grinned. "Three, two, one.. GO!"

The two raced down the hallways, heading to the front entrance.

Rosa came into view as well as the others, making Sophia speed up. 

Sophia reached her hand out, and latched onto Rosa's arm. 

"I win!" She cheered, hugging Rosa. 

Krolia pouted. "I'm getting to old for this. Rematch?" 

"Sophia, your wolf is here."

"We'll race later, Grandma." Sophia smiled before running off to go find Kosmo.

"Wolf?" Rosa asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Sophia saved a wolf and grew attached to him." Lance answered. 

"Puppy." Liam confirmed, a grin on his face as he stared up at Rosa. 

"-And then he ran into a wall and blamed it on me!" 


Keith watched as Tiffany and Georgia walked by them, not even noticing them. 


The girl let out a hum and looked up. "Oh! Hi Abuela! Abuelo!" She rushed over, giving them a hug. 

"What are you two doing?" Krolia questioned. 

Georgia and Tiffany avoided the Grandmother's eyes. 

"Um, just going to see Uncle Shiro." Georgia laughed nervously. She grabbed onto to Tiffany's arm and slowly backed away. "Bye!" 

"Grandma! Dad!" 

Dante ran over, catching Krolia's attention. "Mom and Grandpa K are in the interrogation room!" 

Lance let out a sigh. "Krolia, Mom, Carlos, if you excuse us." 

Liam went to follow after Lance but was stopped by Krolia. 

"You stay here buddy." Krolia told him. "We're going to show Abuela and Abuelo around. Okay?" 

Liam nodded and grabbed Rosa's and Carlos's hand. 

"Let's go!" 

With Lance, he walked into the interrogation room with Dante close behind. 

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