Chapter 31

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Lance's fists clenched and unclenched as he glared at the wall before him. 

It was a fucking cycle. 

But this time, Keith didn't want him to come for him. 

"Dad." Sophia frowned, placing a hand on her fathers shoulder. "You're tense. Uncle Alec can't put stitches in your arm if you don't relax."

"Dad! Move!" 

Lance looked at his two oldest children who shot towards him, followed by his friends. The bullet was aiming for him and only him. He didn't have time to think anything through. 

Without realizing it, he took a small step to the side, causing the bullet just to graze his arm. 

But he needed to make it look like it had hit something important. Because if not, he would be dead once Zethrid realized he missed. 

He fell to the ground, feeling a little guilty for all the screams and cries that echoed through out the room. But he needed to act like he was dying, or something. 

But the blood that seeped out from his arm, was enough to make Lotor laugh and grin, thinking Lance was dead before he left. 

"I still don't get what happened." Pidge mumbled, a hand under her chin. "You managed to step to the left, a small one at that, and make the bullet just graze your arm." 

"I couldn't let him kill me." Lance grumbled. "Not yet, anyways. I still have a promise that I need to keep." 

"And that is?" 

"I need to kill Lotor." 

"How are we going to get Mom back?" Dante asked quietly, sitting on the couch.

A sigh was heard before someone spoke up. "We don't." 

Heads snapped towards Kora who stood with her arms crossed, concentration written on her face. 

"What do you mean we don't?!" Sophia shot off of the couch. 

"Sophia." Lance looked towards her. "If we go now, Lotor will be expecting us. We need time to plan this out." 

"And how long will that take?" Sophia argued. "Months? Years? We don't have-" 

"Yes we do." Dante interrupted. "Because Lotor didn't get the other thing he wanted."

"And if we know Lotor well like we think we do... He'll be back soon." Lance confirmed. 

"Wait? Did I miss something?" Georgia asked confused, tilting her head to the side. "Or did I forget?" 

"Lotor wanted to get revenge on Dad, for whatever reason." Dante answered, crossing his arms. 

"But he thinks Lance is dead, doesn't he?" Hailey spoke up. 

"For now, but sooner or later he's going to realize that Lance is alive." Shiro replied. "So, we need to lay low." 

"We'll return home, you guys can go back to school like you normally would." Kolivan continued. "But there's going to be a few changes, you know that right Lance?" 

Lance sighed and dragged his hands down his face. "Considering I'm suppose to be dead, and Lotor never got Sophia... You four are staying with someone other than me."

Sophia's eyes widened, and Georgia's jaw dropped while Dante's eyes trailed to the floor. 

"Sophia, you're going to stay with us." Krolia spoke, motioning between her and Kolivan. "Georgia, you and Liam are going to stay with Aunt Kora. Dante, you're going to stay with Uncle Shiro." 

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