Chapter 37

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"Floor? Room? Where Sophia?" 

"Four people coming towards you, two on the right two on the left." Sophia warned them. "Mom's on the top floor, with Lotor. Stay silent, make the kills quick so you don't notify him you're there. Because if that works, Lotor will be easy to kill." 

Oh she couldn't wait. It was all going to be over real soon. Her family was going to be back together just like she wanted, Lotor was going to be dead and they could continue their lives with no fear what so ever. 

Liam could return to school and make friends, have fun. Dante could graduate from High school, and Georgia could laugh and be happy. 

Sophia's thoughts stopped as she heard someone talking. 

"I've never seen this before." 

"Shit." Sophia hissed. 

"What's wrong Sophia?" Dante asked, taking out another person. 

The doors to the car she was in opened up before she could answer. 

"Oh, why hello, Sophia." 

Kosmo growled from his spot next to her, snarling at the two males in front of them. 

"How the hell are you alive?" Sophia asked, eyes wide. "You were dead. Dante killed you." 

"Surprise." Chad growled, grabbing Sophia by her hair, making her let out a yelp. He drew his fist back, slamming it against her cheek.

"Kosmo! Attack!" She ordered, feeling blood in her mouth, watching as the Wolf attacked the person behind them. 

Sophia slammed her head against Chads, causing him to let go of her. She quickly grabbed his hair and slammed him against the car door, sending multiple hits to his head. 

"A life for a life right!" She shouted, pulling out her knife and slitting the males throat, as Kosmo finished with the other person. 

She let out a shaky breath. "I'm so going to need therapy after this." She mumbled. 

"Sof. You alright?" Lance questioned, trying to get her to answer. 

"I'm fine." She finally answered, staring at the blood on her hands. "I'm coming in, heading through the back door though to take those guys out before they suspect something's going on. Get to Lotor and Dad ASAP." 

Lance's pouted. She called Keith dad, he thought 'Mom' suited him better.

 . . . 

"To jail you go." Sophia grinned as she wiped her hands on her pants after tying a group of enemies up, before continuing on her way.

She had managed to get the video feed on her phone, so she kept an eye on it as she walked through the house. 

"Papa, to your left, there's a group of people, they're the last ones." 

She put her phone away, and met up with her father at the end of the stairs. 

"Why the hell are you covered in blood?" Georgia asked her sister. 

"I was shocked?" Sophia winced, as Lance checked her over, noticing the bruise on her cheek. 

"Sophia, what happened?" 

"I'll tell you after." She replied, waving it off. 

"Sophia! Sophia!" Pidge's frantic voice was heard. "Zethrid and Narti weren't at the houses!" 

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