Chapter 17

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I think my Bearded Dragon likes to judge my writing. Because when I stop to read what I wrote, he crawls over and sits on my keyboard and just stares at the screen as if he is reading my work.



Matt let out a squeal making Pidge burst into a fit of laughter at the sound. 

"D-did you just squeal?!" Pidge laughed, trying to catch her breath. "I-I can't breathe!!!"

Matt let out a grumble, crossing his arms as his sister continued to laugh and make fun of him. 

Keith's eyes flickered between his two friends before back out to where his daughters were talking with Tiffany. 

His hand reached for the door handle, planning to get out of the car and head over to where Sophia and Georgia were, but a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him backwards. 

"Don't." Matt spoke sternly. "Let them talk." 

"Matt, what the hell is going on? Why are they talking to Tiffany?" 

"Georgia believe's Tiffany is on our side." Matt answered with a sigh. "Tiffany agreed to meet Georgia around this time just about every night to give her information about the gang and their plans." 

"And you let them!?" Keith exclaimed. "This could be a trap!"

Matt shook his head. "This is the second night, Keith. If this whole thing was a trap, something would've happened by now." 

"They could be waiting." Keith said. "Maybe it's apart of their plan." 

"Keith, Tiffany is a child of a psychopath, and mother who's using her for money. Do you really think she would want to continue with this life?" Matt asked, his voice quiet as he watched the three girls interact. 

"She kidnapped my daughter, Matt." Keith snapped. 

"How is this any different from Nixon, Keith?" Matt stopped the male from continuing further. "He was once apart of Lotor's gang as well. But then he allowed himself to get captured, and then gave us information about the gang. Now look where he is. He has his family back and is happier than ever." 

"Keith, Tiffany's just looking for happiness." Pidge added quietly. "She wanted to make Lotor proud by taking Georgia and I. But Lotor praised Zethrid and Narti, even though Tiffany planned everything out. The kid just wants what Georgia and Sophia have Keith." 

. . . . . .

On the way home, Keith and Pidge returned to their hiding spot, agreeing not to let Sophia and Georgia know that they knew everything that was happening. 

Keith had managed to get back to his and Lance's shared room without his two daughters seeing him. 

When he walked into their room, his heart sped up noticing another body next to Lance.  With his eyebrow furrowed, he walked closer to the bed and pulled back the blankets slightly. 

He let out a sigh of relief as he seen Liam curled into Lance, the fathers arm wrapped around the three year olds body, holding him tightly as the two slept soundly. 

Keith shook his head, mentally scolding himself for being stupid and thinking about Lance with someone else. 

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Keith whispered, slapping his cheeks.

He let out another sigh before pulling the blanket back up, covering Liam. 

The male froze when Liam moved slightly, his eyes flickering open. 

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