Chapter 30

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Do you guys watch anime? If so, I'm looking for suggestions... If you could help me out :P

Warning: Mention of a panic attack.



Dante paced around the hallway. 

His youngest sister was behind the door that lead to one of the many rooms Hailey's house held. 

"I changed my mind!" Georgia screeched. "I can't do it! Just kick me out of the house or something!" 

Dante wanted nothing more than to barge in there. He wanted to tell Georgia it was going to be just fine and that she could do it. 

"Dante." Sophia spoke, her arms crossed as she sat on the floor. "You need to chill, bro. I know you're worried, I am too. But Mom and Dad are with her. She's going to be fine." 

"I know." Dante bit his lip.

Behind the door, Georgia backed into a corner, fear written on her face as she seen the tools her Aunt and Uncle had layed out on the table. 

"Georgia." Keith whispered, standing in front of her, Lance next to him. "We're not kicking you out." 

"You can do this." Lance assured her. "The anesthetics should kick in any moment now. Your arm is going to go numb and you won't feel a thing." 

"And if I do?" 

The room went silent. 

"I don't.." Georgia shook her head, as she slid down the wall. "Why me?" 

"He just wants to get back at us." Keith sighed. "And for some reason, he needed to drag you into this." 

Georgia took a deep breath. She needs to do this, so many lives were in danger. 

She could feel her arm relax as it finally went numb, she could feel it droop down. 

"We need to do it now." Alec spoke, noticing the arm that went numb. 

Georgia was moved to the bed, sitting on the edge of it as Alec and Kora went to the side of her. 

"You ready, Georgia?"

"Just hurry up, please." Georgia whispered, clenching her eyes shut. 

. . . .

"Kosmo? What is it buddy?" Sophia asked, watching as the wolf stood up quickly, his ears twitching. 

"Sophia! Dante!" Krolia called out. "Get down here, now!" 

Sophia ran after Kosmo who began to run towards the grandmother, Dante followed close behind. 

"Grandma? What's going on?" Dante questioned, watching people clench their weapons tightly. 

"Lotor found us." Krolia explained, handing the teenagers a gun. "He's outside with his gang, he's surrounding the house. Sophia, I need you to get one of your parents, explain to them what's going on." 

"Why just one?" Sophia asked, tilting her head to the side. 

"Because the other one needs to stay with Georgia. They need to get that tracker out of her arm and fast." A voice cut in, causing the three to turn to Kolivan who stared at the front door. "Aim to get Lance down here. We need to make a plan of some sort." 

"Yes sir." 

Sophia ran back up the stairs, her heart pounding against her chest. Not bothering to knock, she burst into the room. 

The Derby Continues (Klance Au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora