Chapter 7

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"It's the day! It's the day!" 

"Georgia! Shut up!" Sophia complained, as her sister ran down the hallways. "It's to early for thi-" 

She was cut off by a bang going through out the house. Sophia quickly got off of her bed and ran off to find Georgia. 

"See, this is why we don't run inside the house." Sophia heard Keith scold. 

Peaking around the corner, Georgia was holding her nose as blood poured out of it. 

"Sorry." Georgia giggled. "Couldn't help myself."

Sophia let out a sigh and crossed her arms. 

"Gi, no running!" Liam scolded his older sister as he stood beside Keith, arms crossed. "Say sowwy!"

"I'm sorry, Liam." Georgia spoke. "I'll stop running in the house." 

Liam grinned. "Good." He said, patting the girls head. 

The door to the backyard slid open revealing Dante. 

"Sophia, Georgia, meet me in the garage. We need to talk." 

Sophia and Georgia shared a confused look. 


"While they do that." Keith said, picking Liam up. "Let's get you dressed and ready to go the fair."

"Lynn coming too?" Liam questioned. 

"Laelynn will be there." Keith confirmed, walking into Liam's room, pulling clothes out for him. 

"We get Cotton Candy, right?" 

"If you behave." 

In the dining room, Lance sat in a char, head on the table, phone in hand. 

He was waiting for a phone call from a coworker. He needed to know if Zarkon was out.

A hand ran through his hair making him look up. 

"You okay?" Keith asked, taking a seat next to Lance. 

"Yeah." Lance sighed.


Keith and Lance turned their heads to where Dante stomped down the hallway, phone in one hand while the other clenched into a fist as Sophia chased after him.

"I'll kill her." Dante hissed, heading towards the front door. "I'll kill them all."

"You can't do that." Sophia grabbed the males arm. "One, that's murder and some of your family are cops, two, because I won't let you. And three, you can't hit girls! So just get back here and we'll figure something out."

"I have figured something out!" Dante snapped. "Beat them up!"

"Dante." Sophia whined, trying to drag her older brother back. "I know you want to beat them up, I do too. But it just isn't the way to go."

The older brother ripped his arm out of his sister's grasp. "They can't treat Georgia like that!"

"I know!" Sophia said. "But right now, Georgia needs us!"

"What's going on?" Lance interrupted.

"Tell Sophia to let me go and beat them up!" Dante exclaimed, handing his phone to Lance.

"Dante, just leave it alone."

Georgia stood behind them, her arms wrapped around herself as tears fell down her face.

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