Chapter 6

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"No!" She took a step back, her hands now to her chest. "You lied to me!? I mean, you aren't my real parents!?" 

Lance took a step forward. "Sophia listen-" 

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Sophia exclaimed. "Why did you hide it!?" 

Keith reached a hand out to her, only to have her take another step back. 

"I-I need a minute." Sophia then ran outside, making Keith shoot forward. 

"Sophia! Sophia!" 

"Keith, give her a little to cool down." Kora spoke gently. "It was a fight or flight reaction." 

"I'm sorry you guys." Shiro apologized. "I didn't realize she was there." 

"She was going to find out at some point." Lance mumbled. "I guess now is the time." 

. . . .

Sophia sat in the bleachers, away from her family. 

Dante was out on the field with the ball to the opposing team's net. 


The girl looked up to see Juno Silver standing beside her. 

Juno Silver was a friend of Sophia's. 

"Hey." Sophia sighed as Juno took a seat next to her. 

"What are you doing over here?" Juno questioned. "I thought you would've been with your family." 

"I got into a small argument with my parents." Sophia admitted. "In short, they lied to me about something." 

Juno hummed. "I see." 

The crowd went crazy as Dante got a goal, his team surrounded him, giving him pats on the back.

"Maybe they had a good reason for it." Juno suggested. "Like they knew it would hurt you in some sort of way." 

"Yeah." Sophia mumbled. 

"Why don't you talk to them when you get home? Knowing you, you just ran off without letting them explain." Juno chuckled. 

Sophia blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. 

"Who's that with Sophia?" Lance asked, curiously as he glanced over at his blushing daughter. 

"That's Juno." Georgia grinned. "She's cool! Like really cool! Sof also has a crush on her." Georgia hands shot to her mouth. "Ah! Please don't say anything about that! I didn't mean to!" 

Keith chuckled. "We won't say anything." He promised. 

"Ante! Ante! GOOOO!" Liam shouted from on top of Shiro's shoulders. 

Down on the field, Dante rushed forward, calling out for the ball. 

Once it was passed to him, he ran up the field. 



Dante grinned at the goalie who had a panicked expression on his face. 

Dante was one of the fastest players on the team, one that could not be stopped. 

He kicked the ball, hard, as everyone stopped in their places. 

The ball shot forward, to fast for the goalie to figure out where it was going too. 

Game Over. 

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