Chapter 36

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Ahh, the end is near for this book....




"What do you mean no?" Lotor growled, grabbing the back of Keith's shirt. 

"I'm not going." Keith snarled, turning his head to glare at the male. 

Lotor let out a groan of frustration as he threw Keith to the floor, getting fed up of his act. "You're suppose to be doing anything I want!" 

"That wasn't the deal!" Keith snapped, getting off of the floor. "I told you I would go with you if you left my family alone, that was it. I don't have to do shit with you, at all." 

"You haven't left this room at all." Lotor said, growing angry with each passing minute. "You can't stay in here for the rest of your life!" 

"I can and I will!" Keith's voice raised with each word. "You don't own me what so ever! So why should I listen to you out of all people!" 

Out of anger and frustration, Lotor pulled out a gun and pointed it at Keith's head. 

"Do it." Keith taunted. "Pull the trigger, I dare you."

. . .

Sophia tapped away on her computer, hacking into the camera's that were placed around the house before looking up at Pidge who gave her a thumbs up.

"I think you've got the hang of hacking." She grinned, ruffling her niece's hair. "And you'll be just as good as I am." 

The days flew quickly, and between the mix of homework and training, Sophia couldn't be more relieved to hurry up and get the mission over with. 

"You know, I'm pretty sure Lotor thinks Dad is dead." Sophia thought out loud. 

"Imagine the shock on Lowhore's face." Dante snickered, walking into the room.

"Lance! I thought you were dead!" Georgia mocked Lotor, putting on a fake accent and a surprised look. 

"And then dad will say 'Surprise!' With a smirk and BAM!" Sophia giggled, holding her hands up to show off her finger gun and shooting. 

"That actually sounds pretty fun." Lance commented, walking into the room with Liam following close behind. "If the mission goes the way we want it, then I will definitely be doing that."

"Can I listen to music during the mission?" Sophia questioned, looking up at her father. 

"Not while you're hacking." Lance answered. "Maybe when you're inside with us." 

Sophia let out a whine. "Fine." 

"Sophia." Kolivan stepped in the room, stopping the conversation. "James is asking for you." 

Sophia's eyes fell to the ground. To talk to him or not to talk to him? Depends on what he was going to say...

"Okay." She muttered, heading towards where the male is. 

Pidge got the laptop set up, revealing where James was sitting with his head in his hands.

"What does he want with Sophia?" Dante asked, crossing his arms as he watched the screen, waiting for his sister to walk in the room. 

"She didn't tell you?" Lance asked, surprised. 

"Tell us what?" Georgia questioned, confused. 

Nobody answered as Sophia walked into the room. "You asked for me?" She spoke, her voice showing no emotions. 

She was upset, angry even. This was the man who killed her mother, who made her get into this whole gang thing in the first place. But he was also the one who helped get her with Keith and Lance. She had so many mixed emotions. He could've been a father to her. He almost was. 

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