Chapter 19

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I just realized I kind of messed up the kids ages, so I apologize if anyone got confused over it.

So, we'll just make them a year a old then they were

Dante is 17 (turning 18)

Sophia is 16 (turning 17)

Georgia is 15 (turning 16)

Liam is still 3 and will be turning 4



"I want your love and I want your revenge." 

Georgia sat on her window bench, a drawing book in hand. Lady Gaga's Bad Romance played in the background as Chris sat on her bed, reading a book. 

"Je veux ton amour."

Tiffany sat at Georgia's desk, sitting on the girls laptop, playing games. 

"I miss my old life." Georgia mumbled, drawing Saturn in her book. "I miss designing cars for my mother, I miss walking down the hallways at school." 

"Do you think we'll be able to go back to school?" Tiffany asked. 

"I doubt it." Georgia answered. "It seems like none of this is ending soon. Meaning we're going to miss a grade and have to redo it." 


The door to the room whipped open revealing Liam who had tears falling down his face. 

"What's wrong Liam?" Georgia asked softly, setting her book down. 

"It's tewwible." He cried, rushing to his sister and wrapping his arms around her. 

Georgia frowned and picked him up. "What happened?" 

Liam snuggled into his sister, sniffling. "The apples are gone. And so is the apple juice." He whispered, horrified. "And we have no banana's." 

"Well that's not good." Georgia said, standing up with her brother in arms. "It looks like we'll have to do some shopping." 

"It's Dante's fault." Liam muttered. 


"He ate the last one." Liam replied anger clear in his voice. "Wight in front of me too!" 

Georgia chuckled. "Dante's so mean."

Liam nodded and glanced over at Chris, his face lighting up. "HI CHWIS!" 

"Hi Liam." 

"Liam?" Keith's voice rang out through out the hallway. "Where are you?" 

"He's in here!" Georgia called out. 

Keith's head peeked in the doorway, frowning when he seen Liam's face. "Grandma and Grandpa went to get some more fruits for you." 


Keith nodded. "Really." 

Liam grinned. "They the best!" 

"Also, Nixon is wanting you three to head down to the training room." Keith informed the others as Georgia set Liam down. 

"Okay." Georgia mumbled, shutting her music off. 

"Keith." Lance spoke from behind the male, his voice lowering. "There's a small emergency." 

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