Chapter 34

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With Lance (A few moments before Sophia messaged) 

"Daddy." Liam whined as he looked down at the papers in front of him. "Do I have to keep doing it?" 

"Yes, Liam. That's the last page. Finish that and you'll be done for the day." Lance told him, ruffling the boys hair.

Currently, since Liam wasn't going to be in school, Kora had managed to get the school work from the school, so that Lance could home school him.

"I really want to find that guy." Allura grumbled as Lance walked back into the kitchen, where his two female friends stood. "Maybe have a small talk with him." 

"We all do." Romelle replied, a hand under her chin. "But we don't know where he is. Is he still at Liam's school or is he somewhere else now?" 

"He probably would've left Liam's school, knowing that's where we would search first." Lance crossed his arms. "Maybe I can see if Shiro can get the security footage from the school somehow." 

The counter vibrated causing Romelle, who was leaning on it, to jump in surprise as Lance's phone went off. 

"I think you got a text message." Romelle said sheepishly. 

Lance and Allura chuckled as the male grabbed his phone to look at the message. 

The small smile he had on his face dropped as he read his daughters text. 

"Lance? What is it?" Allura asked, watching as he quickly turned around, rushing to the front door.

"Watch Liam for me, would you? Sophia's in trouble." He spoke quickly, pulling his shoes on, almost falling over. "And call Shiro and get him to the school ASAP." 

With that the male left the house, leaving two females left behind, worried and confused. 

. . .

"Any sign of her?" Dante asked Georgia as the two met at the front of the school. 

Georgia shook her head as she caught her breath with her hands on her knees. "I even went as far to check the boys washrooms."

"What the hell?" Dante whispered, starting to wonder where his sister was. 

The sound of things falling and grunts of pain caught their attention. 

"Sophia?" Dante called out, beginning to jog towards the noise. 

"Help me!" 

Dante and Georgia glanced at each other before beginning to run, just as their uncle pushed past them. 

"Uncle Shiro?" Georgia spoke, as they followed the male. 

"Do you two know what class it's coming from?" Shiro asked quickly, looking in each classroom. 

Dante shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "No clue." 

Shiro cursed under his breath and continued to search every classroom. 

In the classroom, Sophia breathed heavily as she tried to unlock the door, her heart slamming against her chest as James got off of the ground, holding his stomach. 

She glanced over her shoulder as she heard the door unlock, not wasting any more time, she whipped the door open and ran out of the room, trying to slam the door close. 

But James grabbed the door as the girl ran, he let out a snarl as he whipped the door open, causing it to slam against the wall. "Let's go Sophia!" He barked, following after her. 

Sophia ran down the stairs, slamming into a body. 


"Dad!" She cried, gripping his shirt, trying to catch her breath. "He's coming!" 

"Who Sophia?" Lance eyes narrowed, hearing someone approach them. 

"James!" She exclaimed as Lance pushed her behind him. 

 "Holy shit, I thought Zethrid killed you." James smirked, seeing Lance standing on the stairs. 

"Her aim is terrible." Lance snapped. "Who the hell taught her how to hold a gun properly anyways?" 

James rolled his eyes and held his hand out. "I'll be taking her now." 

Lance scoffed, shaking his head. "Not today."

James glared at Lance and took a step forward, causing Lance to push Sophia towards the wall and taking a step forward as well. 


Sophia turned to see her brother, sister and uncle at the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide. Lance on the other hand didn't turn, instead he took another step forward, letting go of Sophia. 

"You know..." Lance started, moving closer to James. "I think you have a few things I need." 

"And what's that Lance?" James asked tauntingly. "Your husband?" 

"Your information, my husband and your life." Lance grabbed the collar of James's shirt, throwing him down the stairs. 

Dante took a step back, and shoved his hands in his pockets just as James slammed against the floor, letting out a groan of pain. 

Shiro quickly pulled out a pair of handcuffs, he flipped James onto his stomach and placed a knee on his back as he put the handcuffs on the male. 

"How'd you get here so fast?" Sophia asked, looking away from the scene at the bottom of the stairs and up at her father. 

Lance rubbed the back of his neck and turned away. "A cop never tells his secrets." 

Sophia crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "You sped, didn't you?" 

Lance just winked at her before heading down the stairs. 

"What a rebel." Sophia whispered to herself as she shook her head before following her father. 

. . . .

"He acted as a teacher. When school ended, I was walking to the front of the school, he grabbed me and pulled me into a classroom." Sophia crossed her arms as she explained what had happened. "He was there to take me to Lowhore." 

Sophia was conflicted on the situation, maybe she shouldn't have messaged for help, because then, she would see Keith. But, her father wouldn't know where she went and would've ended up causing the gang to go into a panic.

"So, he's still after you." Nixon spoke, rubbing his eyes.

"We knew he wouldn't stop." Krolia said with a sigh. "But, we now have one of his people, so, let's see what information Lance and Shiro can get out of him."

"You know he's not going to just give us information so easily." Dante grumbled. "He's James, the one who managed to get into our house, killing two of our people, Kidnapped my little sister and her best friend." 

"Don't worry about that." Krolia ruffled his hair. "We'll get information out of him. You just focus on school." 

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